Read the text again and explain the words in bold.
unforgettable experience – _____________________________ interactive exhibits – __________________________________ planetarium – ________________________________________ giant-screen – ________________________________________ demonstrations – _____________________________________ spy – _______________________________________________ high-tech gadgets – ___________________________________ stunt – ______________________________________________ maze – ______________________________________________ orbiting satellites – ___________________________________________ visual cues – _________________________________________ dock – ______________________________________________
III рівень (9 – 12 балів)
3. Write a short advertisement about a science centre/ museum in your country. Write: · name · address · what someone can see/ do there __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________
Total mark _________ Teacher’s sign ___________
Самостійна робота № 14
Тема: Карлзбед Кавернз – національний парк в Нью Мехіко. Основні питання, що розглядаються: 1. Carlsbad Caverns 2. Its popular attractions 3. Cave formation Література: 1. Jenny Dooley, Virginia Evans. Blockbuster 2: Student’s Book – Express Publishing, 2005 2. Науково-методичний журнал «Англійська мова та література». – Харків: ВГ «Основа», 2002-2011.
Студент повинен знати: 1. Чим Карлзбед Кавернз привертає увагу туристів 2. Різницю між сталактитами та сталагмітами 3. Лексичний матеріал з теми
Студент повинен вміти: Знайти цікаву інформацію та розповісти про національний парк країни.
I рівень (1 – 3 бали)
1. Read the text and, for questions 1-3, choose the best answer A, B or C.
1. Carlsbad Caverns is A in Mexico B in the USA C 45 km underground 2. The “Big Room” is A a cave B a football stadium C a 25-story building 3. The park is open A on 25th December B 24 days a year C almost every day of the year
Carlsbad Caverns National Park has 19, 000 hectares of beautiful desert scenery, but the natural wonders that visitors come to see are deep underground. Theses are the most famous caves in the USA, going down almost ½ km, with about 45 km of tunnels and chambers. That’s just the part that we know about – people are still exploring the caves, and nobody is sure where they end. Carlsbad Caverns have almost every kind of cave formation. You can see stalactites and stalagmites in all sorts of strange shapes and wonderful colours, as well as pools and waterfalls. Only part of the cave system is open to the public. Even so, there is much more than you can see in one visit. A few of the most popular attractions are: · The Big Room / it’s one of the world’s biggest chambers, 25 storeys high and more than ½ km wide – bigger than any football stadium! It’s easy to get to, and you can walk all the way round the chamber to see its many features. · The King’s Palace. A guided tour takes you down 250 metres, to see four beautiful chambers with amazing colours and natural decoration. · Bat Cave. In summer, a million bats hang from the ceiling of the cave. At sunset they fly out in huge clouds, and return to the cave at first light. The park is open 24 hours a day, every day, except 25th December, although most visitors go between June – August. Admission is $6 for adults and $3 for children aged 6-15, with an extra charge (from $7 – $20) for the special guided tours.
II рівень (4 – 6 балів)
2. Explain the following words and make 6 sentences with them:
natural wonders – ______________________ underground – _________________________ tunnels – _____________________________ chambers – ___________________________ exploring – ___________________________ formation – ___________________________ waterfalls – ___________________________ popular attractions – ____________________ storeys – ______________________________ features – _____________________________ admission – ___________________________ charge – ______________________________
III рівень (7 – 9 балів)