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The Subjective Infinitive Construction

This is a construction in which the infinitive is in predicate relation to a noun in the Common Case or a pronoun (in the Nominative Case); the noun/pronoun is the Subject if the sentence, the infinitive is part of a compound predicate.

The Subjective Infinitive Construction is used with the following groups of verbs in the Passive Voice:

a) verbs of sense perception see, hear, etc.

Mr. Sawyer was heard to laugh heartily.

b) verbs of mental activity think, consider, believe, expect, know, suppose, etc.

The Mafia were believed to have committed the crime.

You are expected to start work at 8.00 every morning.

c) the verb to make.

She was made to sign the paper.

d) the verbs say, report.

The child is said to resemble her mother.

e) The Construction is used with the following pairs of synonyms: seem/appear, happen/chance, prove/turn out in the Active Voice.

The plane seemed to be losing height.

We happened to meet in the street (=met by chance).

The debate turned out to be very interesting.

f) The Construction is used with the word groups to be sure, to be certain, to be (un)likely.

The peace talks are likely to last several weeks.

The party is sure to be a great success.


The For-to-Infinitive Construction

This is a construction in which the infinitive is in predicate relation to a noun or a pronoun preceded by the preposition for.

The Construction can have different functions in the sentence:

- Subject

It’s important for you to finish the course and get a qualification.

It’s a nuisance for tourists to have to get visas.

But if the adjective expresses a personal quality, e.g. brave, careless, clever, foolish, generous, good, kind, mean, nice, polite, wrong, etc., it is followed by an of-phrase + an Infinitive.

It was rude of your friend not to shake hands.

It was clever of Tina to find that out.

- Predicative

It is not for me to say.

- Complex Object

after verbs apply, arrange, ask, call (=demand), long, prepare, wait and the adjectives anxious, reluctant, keen, etc.:

I’ll wait for you to finish your breakfast.

We’ve arranged for the photographer to take some photos.

I’m anxious for the matter to be settled.

- Attribute

I’ve made arrangements for someone to take photos (or some photos to be taken).

He couldn’t hide his anxiety for the matter to be settled.

- Adverbial modifier of purpose

For plants to grow properly, you have to water them regularly.

- Adverbial modifier of result

The kitchen is too small for the whole family to eat in.

The light wasn’t shining brightly enough for anyone to notice it.



Ex. 1. Point out verbal and noun characteristics of the infinitive in the following sentences.

1. I was standing at the meat counter, waiting for some rib lamb chops to be cut. (J. Sal.) 2. Then at last it closed on words, "I got to be making tracks," he said. (White) 3. Your work here was to help Sir Gervase with the book he was writ­ing. (A. Chr.) 4. He was not to spend at the outside more than twelve thousand and fifty pounds. (Calsw.) 5. What he is going to do is still in the doubt. (Dr.) 6. That's just why they couldn't hаve had the key. (A. Chr.) 7. Wilson was standing by while we gave the cabman instructions, for we had given him a lift to save him the hot dusty walk. (S. M.) 8. Your father is not to be disturbed. (White) 9. Monsieur and Madame Renard gave a party to celebrate the engagеmept of their daughter. (S. M.) 10. A great temptation came to Utterson to open the envelope at once. (Steve.) 11. Do you think it would do any good to try to get hold of Waker? (J. Sal.) 12. "Oh, dear," Mr. Boggis said clasping his hands. "There I go again. I should have never started this in the first place." "You can't back out now, a deal is a deal." (St. L.) 13. Of course, I could promise to send it back next month, but — I'd better say three months. Just as soon as I start to sell drawings. 14. You needn't worry, I shall be careful all right. (A. Chr.) 15. He wished to give her every chance. (Galsw.) 16. He ought perhaps to have put a spoke in the wheel of their mar­riage. (Galsw.) 17. He longed to go and say to him, "Look here, you sir! Are you going to jilt my granddaughter?" (Galsw.)


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