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British Universities


There are more than forty universities in Britain, of which 36 are in England, 8 in Scotland, 2 in Northern Ireland and 1 in Wales. The two oldest universities in England are Oxford and Cambridge. These date from the Middle Ages. Oxford is the oldest of these two universities, it is more philosophical, classical, theological. The history of Oxford began in 1249, that of Cambridge — in 1348. Among the English universities Oxford and Cambridge have a special eminence, and they are different from the others.

England had no other universities, apart from Oxford and Cambridge, until the nineteenth century. The universities which were founded between 1850 and 1930, including London University, are known as Redbrick universities (they were called so because that was the favourable building material of the time). They are in London, Durham, Manchester, Birmingham, Leeds, Sheffield, Bristol, Nottingham, etc. The University of London is the largest of them. The division between Oxford and Redbrick is sharp. The division is essentially a class one. Redbrick universities were built to provide a liberal education for the poorer boys and to give technological training. Oxford and Cambridge graduates scorned them.

The universities which were founded after the Second World War are called “the new universities”. They are in Staffordshire, Kent, Essex, Lancaster, Sussex, York. Some of them quickly became popular because of their modem approach to university courses.

All British Universities are private institutions. Every university is independent, autonomous and responsible only to its own governing council. Although they all receive financial support from the state, the Department of Education and Science has no control over their regulations, curriculum, examinations, appointment of staff, or the way they spend money. The number and type of faculties differ from university to university. Each university decides each year how many students it supposes to admit. The admission to universities is by examination or selection (interviews). The students receive grants. They have to pay fees and living costs but every student may receive from the local authority of the place where he lives a personal grant which is enough to pay lodging and food — unless his parents are rich. Most students take jobs in the summer for about six weeks, but they do not normally do outside work during the academic session.

Students who pass examinations at the end of three or four years of study get Bachelor’s degree. The first postgraduate degree is normally that of Master conferred for a thesis based on at least one year’s full-time work. Universities are centres of research and many postgraduates are engaged in research for higher degree, usually Doctorates.

The British government does not think to build more new universities. There is a tendency to expand the older ones. The most interesting innovation is the Open University.

Task 2. Answer the questions on the text:

1. How many universities are there in Great Britain?

2. What are the oldest British universities?

3. What Redbrick universities can you name?

4. Why did “the new universities” quickly become popular?

5. All British universities are private institutions, aren’t they?

6. What university degree do you know?

7. Are universities centres of research?


Task 3. Complete the sentences:

1. The oldest Universities in Britain are....

2. There is a sharp division between....

3. New universities became popular because....

4. Every university is independent, and responsible only to....

5. Students who pass exams after three or four years of studies get....

6. There is a tendency to expand....

Task 4. Insert the right word:

(British, Oxford, Britain, Oxford and Cambridge, the Open University)

There are 47 universities in.... The oldest universities are.... The history of... began in 1249. These two universities are different from all other... universities. Redbrick universities were built to give technological training.... universities are private institutions, but they receive financial support from the state. The British government does not think to build new universities. The most interesting innovation is....

Task 5. Mark the statements that are true:

1. All British universities are private institutions. 2. The admission to the University is by examination or selection. 3. The Department of Education and Science controls appointment of staff. 4. The number and type of faculties is the same at all British universities. 5. Students never work in summer, they work during the academic year. 6. The first postgraduate degree is that of Master. 7. Universities are centres of research.


Task 6. Make a short summary of the text. Do it according to the following plan:

1. The title of the text is...

2. The text is devoted to...

3. It consists of...

4. The first passage deals with...

5. The second (third, forth, etc.) passage deals with …

6. The main idea of the text is …


Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 1028. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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