Read the text, translate it into Ukrainian. Be ready to discuss it. In Britain there are two distinct kinds of newspapers and most Britons read them sun or rain
THE BRITISH PRESS In Britain there are two distinct kinds of newspapers and most Britons read them sun or rain. They are quality newspapers (serious papers or broadsheets) and tabloids (the gutter press, the popular press or the yellow press).
The tabloids are smaller in size, have more pictures, shorter articles, often about private lives of celebrities and any kind of scoop. These are the Daily express, the Daily Mail, the Daily Star, the Sun, the Today and the Daily Mirror. There are over 120 daily and Sunday newspapers and over 1,100 weekly newspapers in all parts of Britain. They cover both local news as well as national and international stories. These newspapers include certain specialized newspapers with circulation limited not by regions but by interest, for instance, business, sporting and religious newspapers, and newspapers in foreign languages. Sunday newspapers are larger than daily newspapers, as they often have a colour supplement.
Newspapers are almost always financially independent of any political party, but this doesn't mean that they do not follow any specific political line. Most newspapers either left-wing or right-wing express a political opinion and people choose the newspaper according to their political beliefs. The British press is subject to the general law on publications according to the requirements of which all the newspapers and periodicals must be registered. There are no specific press laws but certain statutes include sections which apply to the press. They relate to restrictions on the reporting of certain types of court proceedings; restrictions onthe publications of advertisements which are governed by Acts dealing with the publication of false or misleading descriptions of goods and services and with fraud, and advertisements of remedies for certain diseases, which are covered by public health legislation. Of particular relevance to the press are such laws as those on contempt of court, official secrets, libel and defamation. A newspaper may not publish comments on the conduct of judicial proceedings which are likely to prejudice their reputation for fairness. The obtaining and publication of information from state and official sources of a confidential or security nature is affected by the official secret legislation.