Give English equivalents for the following words.
Травма, вивих, крововилив, опік, перелом, рана, розтягнення, удар, укус, обмороження. Here is a list of injuries. Look them up in your dictionary to check the meaning and the pronunciation, and fill in the chart. Use your imagination to think of a cause for the injuries.
80. INJURIES. Solve the crossword puzzle. ACROSS: 1. from an old wound (4) 5. painful swelling on the hand or foot caused by exposure to cold (9) 6. small mark on the skin, possibly caused by an illness like measles (4) 7. from dog's teeth (4) 8. on the knee (5) DOWN: 1. often the result of a toothache or sprained ankle (8) 2. hard skin, often on the foot (4) 3. from cat's claws (7) 4. from walking in too tight shoes