Ex 1 Underline the correct verb form in the sentences below: 1. You can't expect/ to expect the world to change overnight. 2. I knew I can’t/ couldn't afford the rent. 3. Eleanor couldn't come/ have come last night although he had promised to. 4. They could have completed/ were able to complete the work by last Monday. 5. Could you /Were you able to hear that all right? – Yes, quite distinctly 6. He could escape/ have escaped, but he chose to stand and fight. 7. In those days you could buy/ have bought a box of cigars for a dollar. (you = people in general) 8. She could get/ was able to get her watch repaired the same day. 9. Can/ Could you hear what I was saying? 10. I wanted to buy the tickets in advance, but I couldn't get/ have got them after 11. Everybody was helpful, or I couldn’t finish/ have finished it in time. 12. I could warn/ have warned you if I had known where you were. 13. At least three hostages (заручники) could/ managed to escape. Ex 2 Complete the sentences with ‘ can’, ‘ could’ or ‘be able to’ in a proper form: 1. In the 16th century, fishermen ……… smuggle wine into the country without fear of being caught by the authorities. 2. Bennett ……… smuggle the knife on board the plane without being detected by the security system. 3. The builders said they might ……… start work today. 4. If you had told me that you were in London I ………. put you up. 5. Mr. Brown is 58. He ……… drive for forty years. 6. If I had learnt to drive, I …………..… got a job as a nanny. 7. I tried hard but I ………………….… (not) pass my driving test. 8. Fortunately, I …………………….… find another job 9. The doctor says I ……………………… to walk in two weeks' time. Ex 3 Say it in English 1. В цій країні ти можеш одружитись в 16 років. 2. Говори голосніше. Я тебе не чую. 3. У сусідів булла сварка (a row) і я міг чути кожне їх слово. 4. Ти міг би відразу сказати, що тобі не цікаво, я б вимкнула телевізор. 5. Боб вміє водити машину вже 2 роки, але він ще не зміг купити машину. 6. Джон збирав гроші довгий час і ось минулого року він нарешті зміг купити будинок. 7. Не треба було вам починати цю розмову. Все могло б залишить, як раніше. 8. Минулої суботи я пробігла 5 кілометрів. Я не могла рухатись у неділю. 9. Жінки не могли голосувати в Англії до 1922. 10. Він міг би і не приходити, ми б змогли це зробити і без його допомоги.