Permission & Requests, Suggestions & Offers
Ex 7 What would you say in the situations below? Is it asking for permission, or making a request? To a stranger, if you wanted to know the time. To your brother, if you wanted him to turn his radio down. To your teacher, if you wanted him/her to help you with a letter. To a stranger, if you want to borrow his pen to fill in a form. To the air stewardess, if you wanted some more coffee. To a shop assistant, if you wanted to try on an article of clothing. To a waiter, if you wanted the bill. To the ticket seller, if you wanted to know the time of the next train. To some people in a crowded restaurant, if you wanted to sit down on a free chair at their table. Ex 8 Translate the sentences and state the meaning of ‘can’ and ‘could’. 1. Can I have the bill, please? 2. Can we turn the air conditioner on? 3. Can you hear all right in the back row? 4. He can be such a jerk sometimes. 5. That can't be right. 6. The police still haven't found her but they're doing all they can. 7. Mistakes can occur even in the most carefully controlled situations. 8. They can't have arrived already, surely! 9. By the time she was eight, she could read Greek and Latin. 10. She could be at home now watching TV or something. 11. I was so angry I could have killed her. 12. The teacher said we could all go home. 18. Could you drop off the kids on your way to work? 19. We could use plastic cups, so we don't have to wash anything. 20. You could have told me you were going to be late. 21. It could be weeks before we get a reply. Ex 9 Say it in English using ‘can’, ‘could’ or ‘be able to’. 1. Під час контрольної роботи не можна користуватись словниками. Тому я не змогла подивитись слово, яке не знала. 2. Невже сьогодні так холодно? – Увечері може стати ще холодніше. 3. Не міг він зробити таку безглузду помилку. Я впевнена, що зможу це довести. 4. Невже він вам цього не пояснив. Він ніколи не вмів пояснювати. Чому ти мене не запитав? Я б міг все пояснити. 5. Він зміг все пояснити. Я змогла все зрозуміти. 6. Чи не могли б ви мені пояснити це правило ще раз? – Звичайно, можу. 7. Я б хотіла, щоб вміла це робити так добре, як ви. 8. Можна мені ще раз спробувати? 9. Принесіть мені будь ласка, склянку води.
The primary meaning is asking for permission. The form ‘might’ is used: a) to indicate the past reference:“ May I come in?” – He asked if he might come in. Years ago children might be sent down mines at the age of six.. b) as a more polite form: Might I ask you another question? c) to indicate uncertainty: I might be a few minutes late. d) for the conditional mood to indicate unreality: It was terrifying. We might have been killed. Ex 10 Underline the correct word(s) used to express permission. 1. Could I sleep at my friend's house tonight? – Yes, of course you could / can. 2. I could / was allowed to go to the disco last night. – Was it good fun? 3. Can/Might I have a biscuit please, Mum? – Of course. Help yourself. 4. Excuse me, sir. May I/Am I allowed to leave the room? – Yes, but don't be too long. 5. Can/Might I borrow these files for a moment, sir? – Certainly. 6. Might I use your pen? – Of course you may/might. 7. May I/Am I allowed to park in the company car park? –: Of course you are! Ex 11 Stephen is taking exams next term, and Mrs. Wilson are talking to his headmaster. Complete his comments with ‘should, ‘may (not)’ or ‘might (not)’ He's doing quite well in English, and he.... pass without any difficulty. He... even pass with distinction if he tries hard. His Maths is not so good - he ….. even fail, though I don't think that's very likely. His Chemistry teacher isn't too happy with him, and says Stephen …... pass. He only got 42 out of 100 in a practice exam last week. You don't need to worry about Physics – he …….. pass easily. His French is getting better - he..... get a distinction, but he... at least pass. Ex 12 Underline the word or word(s) that are possible in each sentence. 1. They can/might be away for the weekend but I'm not sure. 2. You may/might leave now if you wish. 3. Could/May you open the window a bit, please? 4. He can/could be French, judging by his accent. 5. May/Can you play the piano? 6. Listen, please. You may not/might not speak during this exam. 7. They can't/ may not still be out! 8. With luck, tomorrow can/could be a sunny day. 9. The butterfly can/ may be recognized by the orange streaks on its wings. 10. You can/might be right but I'm going back to check anyway. 11. 'She's probably on holiday.' 'Yes, you can/ could be right.' 12. Peter may/ can have a big screwdriver. I'll go and ask him. 13. Infections can/could sometimes be made worse by taking antibiotics. 14. That may not/ can’t be true! It's impossible. 15. Take a key. There may not/ can’t be anybody at home when you come back. Test № 2 ‘Modal Verbs’ in Practical Grammar Second Year Group ______ _______________________________________________ II. Do the tasks. (Don’t type the answers. Use a pen and write neatly, please. Firstpracticedoing the exercises in Natanson E.A. Practical English Grammar by Correspondence. - M., 1973. p202 - 253 and check yourself with the clues.) Ex. 1 Complete the sentences to express the suggested idea.
Ex 2 Choose the correct answer. 1. ……………….you help me with the shopping, please? A Must B Shall C Will 2. You ………………… go to the post office. I'll go later. A needn't B might C mustn’t 3. What time …………………… I pick you up from work? A would B will C shall 4. ‘Was your suitcase very heavy?’ ‘Yes, but I ……... carry it by myself.’ A was able to B could C can 5. ‘I ………………….. ride a bicycle until I was eight.’ ‘Neither could I’ A could B couldn’t C was able to 6. ‘I saw Tina in town last night.’ ‘You … her. She's on holiday in Spain.’ A mustn’t have seen B can’t saw C can’t have seen 7. ‘Where's Colin?’ ‘I'm not sure. He …………………… be in the study.’ A can B could C must 8. ‘I feel very tired today.’ ‘You……..…have stayed up so late last night’ A shouldn't B needn’t C mustn’t 9. ‘Did you phone Alan yesterday?’ ‘No, I ….. He came round to see me A didn't have to B needn't C hadn’t 10. The first lecture was cancelled, so I ………… up so early as I did. A needn’t have to get B hadn’t to C needn’t have got 11. I was going to visit you but I ……………………. because I was busy. A couldn’t have come; B can’t have come; C couldn’t come. 12. Why are you late? – I couldn’t lock the door. The key … in the lock. A wouldn’t have turned; B shouldn’t turn; C wouldn’t turn. 13. On summer evenings they ……………………..… out in the garden. A would have been sitting; B would sit; C should sit. 14. It’s amazing that they ……….. have said nothing about the incident. A shouldn’t B should C would Ex 3 Use a suitable modal verb with a perfect infinitive. e.g.: I heard their phone ringing. ~ You couldn't have heard their phone ringing. They haven't got a phone. 1. You …………..............… not have fed the bears! (It was foolish of you to feed them.) Now they'll be angry if the next campers don't feed them too. 2. Nobody has been in this house for a month. ~ Nonsense! Here's last Monday's paper in the wastepaper bin; somebody ……..... have been here quite recently. 3. He set off alone a month ago and hasn't been heard of since. ~ He …........ have fallen into a river and ……...................... have been eaten by crocodiles. 4. We ………..........................….. have started yesterday (this was the plan); but the flight was cancelled because of the fog, so we're still here, as you see. 5. Mary to Ann, who has just toiled up six flights of stairs: You ….............… not have walked up! You..................... have come up in the lift. It's working now. 6. He had two bottles of Coke and got frightfully drunk. ~ He ……................ not have got drunk on Coke. He ………………............… have drunk gin with it. 7. We've run out of petrol! - I'm not surprised. I noticed that the tank was nearly empty when we left home. ~ You ……...................… have told me! We ……........... have got petrol at the last village. Now we've got a 10-mile walk. 8. If the dog hadn't woken us we …………. (not notice) the fire for several hours (that was possible), and by that time it …......….. (spread) the house next door. Ex4 Use the proper form of the infinitive: 1. I could …...................................... (skate) when I was young. 2. I could …...................................... (help) you if you had asked. 3. I failed my test as I couldn’t ….......................... (solve) half of the tasks. 4. Don’t call her now. It’s late. She must................................ (sleep) now. 5. Your report must......................................................... (finish) tomorrow. 6. If you want to pass your exams you must............................ (work) hard. 7. If you wanted to pass your exams you should..................... (work) hard. 8. You’re lucky to be alive. You could …................................. (fall) down. 9. I can’t …....................... (find) my glasses. Did you see them anywhere? 10. They can’t................….................. (break) by the cat. It was out all day. Ex. 5 Rephrase the following sentences using modal verbs. 1. Why don't we go for a picnic? ________________________________ 2. It wasn’t necessary for John to go to work because it was Sunday. (He stayed at home.) ___________________________________________ 3. John forgot that it was Sunday and went to work. (It was a waste of time.) ___________________________________________________ 4. It was difficult but we managed to do it. _______________________ 5. Unfortunately, we didn’t manage to do it. _______________________ 6. You are forbidden to enter this area. ___________________________ 7. Do you mind if I take this chair? ______________________________ 8. It’s not necessary to feed the dog. _____________________________ 9. You didn’t lock the door. It was wrong._________________________ 10. I strongly advise you to take legal action. ________________________ 11. Perhaps Tony has gone to work early.___________________________ 12. I'm sure Martin heard me calling him. __________________________ 13. I'm sure Paul isn't an engineer. ________________________________ 14. You copied files without the manager's permission. It was wrong. _________________________________________________________ 15. When they came to visit us they used to give us nice presents.______ ________________________________________________________ Ex 6 Replace the words in italics with appropriate modals: 'Wonderful, it's Sunday and (1) it’s not necessary for me to get up at 7 o'clock, I'll stay in bed a bit longer. Although (2) it’s possible the children havewoken up by now and I'll haveto get their breakfast soon. They (3) are not able to make it for themselves. However, it is still very early and they (4) are unlikely to be very hungry yet. (5) It’s a pity I didn’t put out the cornflakes and milk yesterday evening. (It was necessary but I didn’t do it.) But all this thinking and not acting is really silly! (6) It is really necessary for me to get up this minute! Now where are my bedroom slippers? - That damn dog (7) has probably hidden them again! (8) It’s just possible that Alan will not be back from his business trip till tomorrow. One adult isn't enough to look after four children, a puppy, and three goldfish! When we were newly married he (9) often took me with him but not any more. (10) We had an opportunity to get his mother to come and look after the children till he comes back but we missed it. Never again!' 1. ______________________________ 6 _____________________________ 2. ______________________________ 7 _____________________________ 3. ______________________________ 8 _____________________________ 4. ______________________________ 9 _____________________________ 5. ______________________________ 10 ____________________________ Ex 7 Say it in English 1. Зачекай на мене, будь ласка._______________________________________ 2. Мені почекати тебе? _____________________________________________ 3. Тобі слід було почекати. __________________________________________ 4. Міг би і почекати трохи. __________________________________________ 5. Даремно ти чекав, я мушу залишитись. ______________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 6. Напевно, ти давно вже чекаєш. _____________________________________ 7. Не може бути, щоб він досі чекав на нас. ____________________________ 8. Можливо він не чекає на нас. (Xоча це малоймовірно.) ________________ __________________________________________________________________ 9. Тобі довго довелось чекати? _______________________________________ 10. Я б змогла почекати довше, якби не почався дощ. ____________________ __________________________________________________________________ Ex 8 Write what to say in the following situations using modal verbs and phrases. e.g.: Offer to open the door for a stranger. - Shall I open the door for you? 1. Ask someone to answer the phone for you. __________________________________________________________ 2. Offer to make someone a sandwich. __________________________________________________________ 3. Give someone permission to use your phone. __________________________________________________________ 4. Suggest going for a picnic this afternoon. __________________________________________________________ 5. Ask someone to wait here for you. __________________________________________________________ 6. Give your son permission to go out but tell him to be back before dark. __________________________________________________________ 7. Some children are playing football in the flower beds. What do you say to them? ___________________________________________________
8. Your friend came late for your birthday party. You are angry at him. What do you say? __________________________________________________________ 9. It’s snowing heavily. You expected Tom to be home two hours ago but he hasn’t come yet. What do you think? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. You are at an interview for a new job. Tell the interviewer about your abilities and the duties which you had/ didn’t have at your previous working place. Make use of the following phrases as well as your ideas: work overtime travel on business wear uniform keep accounts work shifts/long hours deal with customers answer phone calls work with a computer make coffee for the boss ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ex 9 Write a paragraph about an experience of yours when you made a wrong choice and missed an opportunity. Use appropriate modal verbs. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________