Possibility and Logical assumption
Ex 4 State the meaning of the modal verb ‘could’ in the following sentences: 1. We could have bought a bigger house, but we were not rich enough. 2. It’s a pity you didn’t come to the school reunion party. You could have seen everybody again. 3. Where’s my newspaper? – It could have fallen behind the sofa. 4. It could be weeks before we get a reply. 5. She’s so sleepy. She could have had a late night yesterday. 6. He could have entered the university but he decided to join the army. Ex 5 Underline the correct verb form in the sentences below. Explain your choice: 1. Don’t panic. There can/ could be some other way out. 2. Traffic noise can/ could sometimes be a problem for those who live here. 3. According to the forecast, the weather can/ could be a bit warmer today. 4. Some dogs can/could be very dangerous. 5. Expert advice from a local gym or sports centre can/ could be very helpful. 6. Don't turn off the computer yet. Someone can/ could still be using it. 7. The line is engaged. Mary could talk/ be talking to one of her friends. Ex 6 Say it in English: 1. Чому так тихо? Що роблять діти? – Можливо вони граються з іграшками або дивляться телевізор, але я краще піду перевірю. 2. Куди я могла покласти свої окуляри? Я не можу їх знайти. Невже я їх десь загубила? – Не хвилюйся. Діти могли їх взяти. 3. Діти бувають дуже неслухняними, але ж і ми в дитинстві бували такими ж неслухняними як і вони зараз. 4. Не може бути, щоб вона знехтувала твоїми порадами. 5. Чи можливо таке, що він не помітив, яка вона була засмучена?