Match the words in the box with the definitions below.
a. A large shop (usually in a city center) on many floors with many separate sections, for example, electrical goods, futniture, and fashions. ______________ b. A number of similar shops with the same name in different towns which belong to the same company. ______________ c. A shop specialising in definite goods, for example, computers, books, or CDs.__ d. A small shop which sells the most necessary products, newspapers, and open from the morning to late at night. __________________ e. A huge supermarket, with easy parking, usually outside, or on the edge of a town which sells everything from food and drink to clothes, electrical goods, and furniture. __________________ f. A covered gallery or building containing many different shops, cafés and restaurants. __________ g. A large shop in a town which sells food, drink, and things for cleaning your house. ________________ h. A small, independent shop which sells clohes, often with desighner labels. ____________________ The words in the box have their letters in the wrong order. Choose from them to complete the sentence below and write the word, with the letters in the correct order, in the gaps below. The first is done for you, and the first letter of each word is given.
1. The amount of money taken (without any deductions) or the amount of goods sold, is the t … RUTRNOEV=TURNOVER. 2. A retailer buys his stock from a w…………... 3. The retailer is the m … between the manufacture or wholesaler and the customer. 4. The everyday name for a warehouse from which a retailer collects the goods himself or herself is a c … a… c.... 5. A number of shops which belong to the same company is a c ….