Minimal Dimensionality for Linear Models
The linear innovations state space models (defined in Chap. 3) are of the form
The model is not unique; for example, an equivalent model can be obtained In particular, we wish to know whether the specific cases of the model
150 10 Some Properties of Linear Models Here Ik denotes the k × k identity matrix and 0k denotes a zero vector of
The matrices for ETS(A,A,N) and ETS(A,A,A) are the same as for Definition 10.1. The model (10.1) is said to be observable if Rank(O) = p where and p is the length of the state vector xt. Definition 10.2. The model (10.1) is said to be reachable if Rank(R) = p where and p is the length of the state vector xt. Reachability and observability are desirable properties of a state space Theorem 10.1. The state space model (10.1) is of minimal dimension if and only if it is observable and reachable.
10.1 Minimal Dimensionality for Linear Models 151
A similar argument can be used (see Exercise 10.1a) to show that the non-seasonal models ETS(A,N,N) and ETS(A,Ad,N) are both reachable and observable, and therefore of minimal dimension.