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Overall assessment of the knowledge 4 страница

5. D\η

305. Reynolds number relatively to kinematic viscosity:

1. doesn’t depend on it;

2. quadratically changes;

3. exponentially changes;

4. directly proportional;

5. inversely proportional.

306. Stationary motion of a liquid:

1. layered and laminar flow;

2. turbulent flow;

3. uneven flow;

4. infinite flow;

5. vortex flow.

307. Ideal fluid is:

1. incompressible and doesn’t have viscosity;

2. incompressible and has viscosity;

3. compressible and doesn’t have viscosity;

4. compressible and fluid;

5. compressible and has viscosity.

308. Blood flow in vascular system in normal conditions:

1. has turbulent character;

2. has laminar character;

3. has turbulent and continuous character;

4. has vortex character;

5. has transient character.

309. Dynamic viscosity:






310. Relative viscosity:






311. Kinematic viscosity:


2. +




312. Unit of dynamic viscosity:

1. N/m;

2. Pa*s;

3. Pa;

4. N/m2;

5. Pa*m.

313. Viscosity of a fluid at heating:

1. increases;

2. doesn’t change;

3. decreases;

4. exponentially increases;

5. exponentially decreases;

314. Unit of relative viscosity:

1. Pa*s;

2. kg/m3;

3. N/m2;

4. m3/kg

5. nondimensional quantity.

315. SI unit of viscosity:

1. Pa*s;

2. Pa;

3. Pa*K;

4. Pa*m

5. Pa/s.

316. Viscosity of human blood in norm:

1. 4-5 mPa∙s;

2. 8-10 mPa∙s;

3. 10-15 mPa∙s;

4. 0-4 mPa∙s;

5. 0-15 mPa∙s.

317. Device used for viscosity determination:

1. calorimeter;

2. polarimeter;

3. saccharimeter;

4. viscometer;

5. microscope.

318. Viscosity of a liquid:

1. decreases with increasing of temperature;

2. increases with decreasing of pressure;

3. increases with increasing of temperature;

4. doesn’t depend on temperature;

5. doesn’t depend on pressure.

319. Part of the vascular bed that has the lowest hydraulic resistance:

1. aorta;

2. arteries;

3. arterioles;

4. capillaries;

5. veins.

320. Quantity that is reverse to fluid viscosity:

1. fluidity;

2. plasticity;

3. amorphicity;

4. elasticity;

5. density.

321. Hematocrit is:

1. part of volume in blood circulation system;

2. part of volume fell to share of red blood cells;

3. part of volume of the left ventricle;

4. part of blood stroke volume;

5. part of volume of the right ventricle.

322. Specify the dependence of viscosity on hematocrit:






323. Changing of blood viscosity with increasing of hematocrit:

1. increases;

2. decreases;

3. doesn’t change;

4. exponentially decreases;

5. exponentially increases.

324. Properties of red blood cells:

1. elasticity;

2. fragility;

3. amorphicity;

4. toughness;

5. crystallinity.

325. Viscosity of blood at increasing the concentration of red blood cells:

1. decreases;

2. increases;

3. exponentially decreases;

4. linearly decreases;

5. doesn’t change.

326. Diameter of separate red blood cells:

1. 15 nm;

2. 8 µm;

3. 7 nm;

4. 3 mm;

5. 20 m.

327. Diameter of red blood cells aggregates relatively to the diameter of one red blood cell:

1. greater;

2. smaller;

3. greater in 100 times;

4. smaller in 100 times;

5. same.

328. Viscosity of blood in large vessels in norm:

1. 4-6 mPa∙s;

2. 2-3 mPa∙s;

3. 15-20 mPa∙s;

4. 1-2 kPa∙s;

5. 10-30 kPa∙s.

329. Viscosity of blood in large vessels at anemia:

1. 4-6 mPa∙s;

2. 2-3 mPa∙s;

3. 15-20 mPa∙s;

4. 1-2 kPa∙s;

5. 10-30 kPa∙s.

330. Viscosity of blood in large vessels at polycythemia:

1. 4-6 mPa∙s;

2. 2-3 mPa∙s;

3. 15-20 mPa∙s;

4. 1-2 kPa∙s;

5. 10-30 kPa∙s.

331. Decreasing of blood viscosity in capillaries:

1. Fahraeus-Lindquist effect;

2. Peltier effect;

3. Moseley’s effect;

4. Doppler effect;

5. thermoelectrical effect.

332. Sigma phenomenon:

1. increasing the viscosity in capillaries;

2. decreasing the viscosity in capillaries;

3. increasing the viscosity in large vessels;

4. decreasing the viscosity in large vessels;

5. increasing the water viscosity.

333. Hagen-Poiseuille formula:

1. heat in thermodynamic systems;

2. heat released in conductors at passing of electric current;

3. fluid density;

4. sound pressure of time;

5. volume of liquid that flows through the cross section of tube per unit of time.

334. Poiseuille formula:

1. F= d /dx S

2. F=6 r

3. V= r 4∆Р/8 l

4. =2r2g(p-p0)/9

5. F=6

335. Stroke volume of blood:

1. amount of blood ejected by the left ventricle of heart per one systole;

2. amount of blood ejected by the left ventricle of heart per minute;

3. amount of blood ejected by the left ventricle of heart per hour;

4. amount of blood ejected by the left ventricle of heart per day;

5. amount of blood ejected by the left ventricle of heart per second;

336. Additional volume of blood entered to aorta increases the pressure within it and correspondingly dilates its walls:

1. pulse wave;

2. systolic pressure;

3. diastolic pressure;

4. volume velocity of blood flow;

5. stroke volume of blood.

337. Arterial vessels during the systole:

1. passively subside;

2. dilate;

3. their diameter doesn’t change;

4. deform irreversibly;

5. compress.

338. During the systole pressure in vessels:

1. doesn’t change;

2. increases;

3. decreases;

4. doubles;

5. exponentially increases.

339. During the diastole pressure in vessels:

1. doesn’t change;

2. increases;

3. decreases;

4. doubles;

5. exponentially increases.

340. The pressure drop in vessels depends on:

1. volume velocity of blood flow and radius of a vessel;

2. temperature and radius of a vessel;

3. radius and length of a vessel;

4. mass of a body and radius of a vessel;

5. от амплитуды и от скорости сосуда

341. Main properties of blood vessels that provide normal blood circulation:

1. elasticity, resilience;

2. plasticity, pliability;

3. amorphicity, elasticity;

4. resilience;

5. toughness.

342. Part of vascular bed that has the highest hydraulic resistance:

1. aorta;

2. arteries;

3. arterioles;

4. capillaries;

5. veins.

343.W = 8 l/ r4:

1. hydraulic resistance;

2. pressure gradient;

3. velocity gradient;

4. circular frequency;

5. condition of fluids flow.

344. Hydraulic resistance:

1. Q=V / S

2. 8ηl /πr4

3. σ = A / S

4. h = Ei - Ek

5. V1 S1= V2 S2 T2 A2

345. Propagating in aorta and arteries wave of increased pressure caused by ejection of blood from the left ventricle in the period of systole:

1. electric wave;

2. pulse wave;

3. standing wave;

4. plane wave;

5. de Broglie wave.

346. Formula that determines the pulse wave propagation velocity through the blood vessels:







347. left part of integral:

1. volume velocity of blood flow in elastic chamber;

2. hydraulic resistance;

3. static pressure;

4. dynamic pressure;

5. heat.

348. Device for measuring the blood pressure:

1. phonendoscope;

2. interferometer;

3. sphygmomanometer;

4. audiometer;

5. nephelometer;

349. Formula of heart work:

1. A = PV

2. A = mv2/2

3. A = PVуд + mv2/2

4. A = mgh

5. A = mc2

350. Types of muscle fibers:

1. smooth, cross-striated;

2. elastic, smooth;

3. myelinated, unmyelinated;

4. cross-striated, viscous;

5. smooth, myelinated.

351. Inside the muscular cell except known organoids contractile apparatus of the cell is located consisting of plurality parallel arranged:

1. mitochondria;

2. myofibrils;

3. sarcomeres;

4. neurilemma;

5. sarcolemma.

352. Lengths of actin and myosin filaments at the muscle contraction:

1. change;

2. don’t change;

3. double;

4. dwindle;

5. dwindle in two times.

353. Are in the composition of thick filaments in the cells of cross-striated muscles:

1. actin and myosin;

2. actin, tropomyosin, troponin;

3. actin;

4. myosin, carbohydrates;

5. myosin.

354. Are in the composition of thin filaments in the cells of cross-striated muscles:

1. actin and myosin;

2. actin, tropomyosin, troponin;

3. myofibrils, actin;

4. myosin, carbohydrates;

5. myosin.

355. Actin-myosin complex:

1. twists;

2. contributes to the further slip;

3. prevents the further slip;

4. calcinates;

5. compresses.

356. Contractile unit of muscular cell (fiber):

1. sarcomere;

2. белки актина

3. actin;

4. tropomyosin;

5. carbohydrates.

357. Device for measurement the volume of lungs:

1. spirometer;

2. spirograph;

3. pneumograph;

4. breathing pillow;

5. breathing hose.

358. External surface of the lungs:

1. diaphragm;

2. pleura;

3. spongy mass;

4. larynx;

5. alveolus.

359. Registering of electrical resistance of lungs tissues used at bronchopulmonary pathology:

1. rheopulmonography;

2. rheocardiography;

3. rheohepatography;

4. rheoencephalography;

5. rheovasography.

360. Determination of tone and elasticity of brain vessels, measurement their resistance to current of high frequency that is weak by strength and voltage:

1. rheopulmonography;

2. rheocardiography;

3. rheohepatography;

4. rheoencephalography;

5. rheovasography.

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