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Разделы: Автомобили Астрономия Биология География Дом и сад Другие языки Другое Информатика История Культура Литература Логика Математика Медицина Металлургия Механика Образование Охрана труда Педагогика Политика Право Психология Религия Риторика Социология Спорт Строительство Технология Туризм Физика Философия Финансы Химия Черчение Экология Экономика Электроника


1. Biological membranes. Types of biological membranes and their functions.

2. Types of membrane lipids and their properties. Bilayer lipid structures.

3. Cholesterol. Dynamics of lipids in the membrane. Phasic transitions in the membrane.

4. Membrane proteins. Types and functions of membrane proteins.

5. Structure of biological membranes.

6. Artificial membranes. Liposomes.

7. Methods of the research the structure of membranes.

8. Capillary phenomena, their significance in biology and medicine. Air embolism.

9. Transport of substances across the biological membrane. Ways of substances penetration into the cell.

10. Types of transport. Simple diffusion.

11. Transport of non-electrolytes across biological membranes.

12. Main mechanisms of passive transport.

13. Transport of ions. Ionic transport of substances in channels.

14. Mechanisms of permeability of biological membranes. Structure and functions of ionic channels and carriers. Mechanisms of electrogenesis.

15. Active transport across biological membranes.

16. Molecular mechanisms of electrochemical potentials of membranes and propagation of the nervous impulse along the excitable fiber.

17. Concept of electroexcitability. Resting potentials.

18. Methods of measuring the membrane potential. Microelectrode technique.

19. Action potential. Mechanism of generation and propagation of action potential.

20. Methods of research the molecular mechanisms of electromechanical potentials of membranes.

21. Propagation of the nervous impulse along the excitable fiber.

22. Sensors of medical and biological information. Types of sensors.

23. Purpose and classification of sensors, characteristics.

24. Thermoelectrical phenomena in metals and semiconductors.

25. Graduating of thermal sensors and determination of substance temperature.

26. Electrodes for taking the bioelectrical signal.

27. Ionic currents in the Hodgkin-Huxley model.

28. Ionic channels in cell membranes. Structure of an ionic channel.

29. Mechanisms of generation of cardiomyocytes action potential.

30. Membrane potentials. Action potential of cardiac cell.

31. Physical basics of electrocardiography. Conformation, work principle of electrocardiograph. Main ways to ECG registering.

32. ECG registering and principle of analysis.

33. Electroencephalography. Main rhythms of EEG. Their functional purpose.

34. EEG registering and principles of analysis. Functional samples.

35. The main types of electrical activity of pyramidal neurons.

36. Regularities of the light absorption by biological systems.

37. Energy levels of molecules (electronic, vibrational and rotational energy of molecules).

38. Electronic transitions at the absorption of light.

39. Absorption spectrums of molecules of some biologically important compounds.

40. Research methods of photobiological processes using spectrums.

41. Conformation and work principle of spectrophotometers.

42. Studying the spectrophotometric methods of research for determination the concentration of substances in biological fluids.

43. Luminescence of biological systems.

44. Luminescence. Different types of luminescence.

45. Photoluminescence. Stokes’ law

46. Quantum yield. Triplet level and phosphorescence.

47. Photoluminescent qualitative and quantitative analysis of biological objects.

48. Luminescent microscopy. Chemiluminescence, mechanism of the generation of chemiluminescence.

49. Initial stages of photobiological processes.

50. Spectrums of photobiological action.

51. Learning the products of initial photobiochemical reactions.

52. Free radical oxidation. Initial photochemical reactions of proteins.

53. Photochemical transformations of DNA.

54. Peculiarities of action of high-intensive laser radiation to DNA.

55. Photoreactivation and photoprotection.

56. Action of ultraviolet on biological membranes.

57. Photosensitizing photobiological processes.

58. Research of biological objects in microscopy.

59. Special methods of biological objects microscopy.

60. Optical system of a microscope, construction of the image of an object.

61. Formula of optic microscope magnification.

62. Biophysics of muscle contraction.Sliding filament model.

63. Biomechanics of a muscle. Hill’s equation.

64. Power of a single contraction. Modeling of the muscle contraction.

65. Electromechanical conjugation.

66. Circulatory system (arteries, veins). Mechanism of blood circulation.

67. Movement of blood in large vessels.

68. Organization of blood flow in microvessels.

69. Movement of blood cells in capillaries.

70. Factors that determine rheological properties of blood.

71. Forms of red blood cells orientation in capillaries.

72. Haemodynamic regularities of blood circulation in vessels.

73. General physical and mathematical regularities of blood movement in vascular bed.

74. Rheography of different organs and tissues.Methods of the research of blood circulation.

75. Methods of registering and principles of analysis of rheogrpaphic curve. Integral and regional rheography.

76. Ways of indirect registering the stroke and minute ejection. Computer integral rheography.

77. Physical basics of sound interaction with biological tissues.

78. Classification of medical devices and apparatuses.

79. Forms of energy that are transformed in transducers.

80. Medical devices of therapeutic purpose.

81. Therapeutic electronic medical devices.

82. Methods of high-frequency therapy (HF, UHF, SHF and etc) and their biophysical action.

83. Conformation of the UHF-therapy apparatus and principle of its work.

84. Therapeutic equipment that is based on the usage of direct current.

85. Conformation and principle of work of galvanization apparatus. Physical basics of galvanization.

86. Photoelectric transducers.

87. Main technical means of medical introscopy.

88. Construction of sensors and electrodes, their main characteristics.

89. Devices for the measurement of the function of external breathing.

90. Registering the movement of chest during the breathing movements. Pneumography, spirometry, spirography.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-07; просмотров: 565. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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