Exercises. Exercise 1. Translate the following sentences into Russian.
Exercise 1. Translate the following sentences into Russian. 1. There wasn’t too much time, but this time I didn’t hurry. 2. There are not many people who’ve had the experiences I’ve had in one way and another. 3. I felt that there was not a moment to waste. 4. He felt happy now. There was not anything that was irrevocable. 5. There was no time to find out. what was going on. 6. Today, there is not so much to do. 7. «There aren’t many things you really want, are there?» «Not many,» she said. 8. There was no doubt that she was a very frightened woman. 9. There was not a ripple on the surface of the water. 10. There really wasn’t enough time. 11. Dazed, she went to the door and knocked loudly. There was no answer. 12. There wasn’t much else to say. Exercise 2. Complete and expand on the following sentences. 1. Don’t you worry. There won’t be any... 2. There was nothing to... 3. These few weeks when there was not much... 4. I used the house phone to call Mary, but there was no... 5. It was still pretty early and there were not many... 6. I believe that, all in all, there is not so much... 7. There isn’t anything... 8. There wasn’t much... 9. I was sure there was not... 10. Do you know if there are...? 11. There wasn’t a nerve in my body... 12. There was not a note of welcome... 13. There was nothing to be... 14. There’s no comparison at all... 15. There were not many other things... Exercise 3. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. В магазине было немного народу. 2. Я позвонил еще раз, но ответа не последовало. 3. Работы было мало (немного), и он успел за неделю хорошо отдохнуть. 4. Не волнуйтесь. Никаких неприятностей не будет. 5. На небе не было ни облачка, погода была изумительная. 6. По-моему, между ними не было никакой разницы. 7. На подоконнике было не два и не три, а десять горшков с цветами. 8. Времени явно недостаточно, мы не успеем все закончить к вечеру. 9. Вокруг никого не было, и ей стало страшно. 10. Денег было не очень много, и ей пришлось сократить свои расходы. 11. В сахарнице недостаточно сахару — добавьте, пожалуйста, еще немного. 12. В комиссии, к сожалению, нет ни одного представителя от нашей группы. 13. Делать нечего! 14. Без сомнения, он сделал все, что было в его силах. 15. Нет розы без шипов. 16. Он попросил дать ему поесть, но в доме ничего не оказалось. 17. На новом пенале еще не было ни царапины. 18. Других предложений не последовало.