Comparative characteristics of the English and Ukrainian adjectives.
Classification of adjectives. According to their meaning and grammatical characteristics adjectives fall under two classes: (1) qualitative adjectives, (2) relative adjectives. Qualitative adjectives -denote qualities of a substance directly, not throughits relation to another substance, as size, shape, colour, physical and mentalqualities, qualities of general estimation: E.g little, large, high, soft, hard, warm, white, blue, pink, strong, hold, beautiful,important, necessary, Relative adjectives denote qualities of a substance through their relation to materials (silken, woollen, wooden),to place (Italian, Asian),to time (monthly,weekly),to some action (preparatory, rotatory) Grammatical characteristics of qualitative adjectives. Most qualitative adjectives have degrees of comparison: E.g. big-bigger(the) biggest Some qualitative adjectives such as greenish, darkish, incurable, unsuitable,chief, principal, have no degrees of comparison. They have certain typical suffixes, such as -ful, -less, -ous, -ent, -able, -y,-ish: careful, careless, dangerous, convenient, comfortable, silvery, watery,whitish, shortish. From most of them adverbs can be formed by the suffix -ly: graceful — gracefullyGrammatical characteristics of relative adjectives. 1. Relative adjectives have no degrees of comparison. 2. They do not form adverbs with the suffix 3. They have certain typical suffixes, such as -en, -an, -ist, -ic, -ical: wooden, Italian, socialist, synthetic, analytical