Expression of the tense forms in the English and Ukrainian language.
The much larger quantity of passive constructions in English is explained 1). by the ability of not only the direct but also of the indirect and prepositional objects to perform the function of the subject to the predicate in the passive voice; 2). by the ability of several intransitive verbs to become transitive and take a direct object, and consequently form the passive voice (cf. Her dog is often walked by her brother. The office is run by Mr.Brown). No transposi tions of such type are possible in Ukrainian where only the direct object can be transformed into the subject of the sentence in the passive voice. Some ways of expressing the passive voice in both languages may coincide in form and structure. English passive forms referring to present tense have mostly no structural equivalents in Ukrainian where the auxiliary verb to be (є) is usually omitted and the past participle acquires other morphological (e.g., finite form) and semantic expression. Depending on the form of the passive construction and still more on the lexical verbal meaning, this voice form may have in Ukrainian some still other transformations, which express the same meaning of the passive construction; they may acquire the following outer forms of expression in Ukrainian: А) that of an indefinite personal sentence/clause b) that of a single predicative word/simple nominal predicate: с) a finite form of the verb/simple verbal predicate: d) an indefinite personal past participle ending in -но/ -то: е) any other contextual and structural substitution of the En glish passive voice predicate verb: some English passive voice constructions often change their outer and inner form and become active voice forms in Ukrainian. The main concern of the translator, in this case then, must be not so much the structural form of a source language sense unit, than its contextual meaning and, respectively, its form of realization/ presentation in the target language.