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Practical Part


Exercise1. Translate the names of some areas of law into Ukrainian

Administrative law

Business law

Civil law

Constitutional law

Contract law

Copyright law

Criminal law

Customs law

Environmental law

Family law

International law

Labour law

Land law

Marriage law

Procedural criminal law

Tax law


Exercise2. Translatethe following word combinations into Ukrainian. Pay special attention to the word

a) Legal:

Legal activities, legal advice, legal costs, legal document, legal ethics, legal history, legal owner, legal protection, legal status, to enjoy one’s legal rights, legal address, legal age, legal decision, legal entity, legal expert, legal language, legal procedure, of legal force, to enter the legal profession.

b) Law:

Law in force, martial law, to carry law into effect, to consult the law, to create new laws, to obey the law, to break the law, to repeal the law, to go to law, within the law, lawlessness, as the law stands, law enforcement agency, lawsuit, law-making body, lawful age, lawful excuse.


Exercise3. Match these documents (1-9) with their definitions (a - i)

1. affidavit 2. answer 3. brief 4. complaint 5. injunction 6. motion 7. notice 8. pleading 9. writ   a) a document informing someone that they will be involved in a legal process and instructing them what they must do b) a document or set of documents containing the details about a court case c) a document providing notification of a fact, claim or proceeding d) a formal written statement setting forth the cause of action or the defence in a case e) a written statement that somebody makes after they have sworn officially to tell the truth, which might be used as proof in court f) an application to a court to obtain an order, ruling or decision g) an official order from a court for a person to stop doing something h) in civil law, the first pleading filed on behalf of a plaintiff, which initiates a lawsuit, setting forth the facts on which the claim is based i) the principal pleading by the defendant in response to a complaint.


Exercise4. Latin words and expressions are still relatively common in the legal profession. Match each Latin term with its English equivalent. Give their Ukrainian equivalents

a) ab initio b) actus reus c) ad litem d) bona fide(s) e) bona vacantia f) consensus ad idem g) corpus delicti h) de facto i) de jure j) de novo k) doli capax l) doli incapax m) ex gratia n) ex parte o) ex post facto p) habeas corpus q) in flagrante delicto r) in loco parentis s) in personam t) in rem u) inter alia v) in terrorem w) ipso facto x) ipso jure y) locus standi z) mala in se aa) mala prohibita bb) mens rea cc) non compos mentis dd) onus probandi ee) pari passu ff) per curiam gg) per se hh) prima facie ii) pro tempore jj) quid pro quo kk) res judicata ll) uberrimae fidei mm) ultra vires 1. By the operation of the law. 2. Caught in the act of committing a crime. 3. On the face of it, or as things seem at first. 4. A gift (usually money) with no obligations attached. 5. Starting again. 6. On its own, or all alone. 7. The right to be heard in a court. 8. Among / In addition to other things. 9. A legal action or application pursued by one party only. 10. After the event. 11. Equally, or with no distinction. 12. An act, such as murder, which is a crime in itself. 13. When a threat is implied in a contract, and as a result the contract is invalid. 14. A legal remedy against wrongful imprisonment. 15. Taken as a matter of fact, even though the legal status may not be certain. 16. For a short time. 17. Legal action against a person (for example, one party in a case claims that the other should do some act or pay damages). 18. By this fact, or the fact itself shows this to be true. 19. Acting in place of a parent. 20. A matter on which a judgement has been given. 21. A decision correctly made by a court, which can be used as a precedent. 22. Capable of committing a crime. 23. The duty to prove that what has been alleged in court is true. 24. In total good faith, a state which should exist between parties to some types of legal relationship. 25. A real agreement to a contract by both parties. 26. A situation where the legal title is clear. 27. Referring to the case at law. 28. Mad, or not completely sane. 29. With no owner, or no obvious owner. 30. The mental state required to be guilty of committing a crime. 31. An action done in return for something done or promised. 32. From the beginning. 33. Legal action against a thing (for example, one party claims property or goods in the possession of another). 34. An act forbidden by criminal law. 35. Not capable of committing a crime. 36. The real proof that a crime has been committed. 37. An act which is not a crime, but is forbidden. 38. In good faith. 39. Acting in a way which exceeds your legal powers.

Exercise5. Point out features of legal documents in the texts below. Compare the highlighted wording parallels. Translate the missing parts of the texts. Give a) English/b) Ukrainian equivalents to the following word combinations

a) рівні та невід'ємні права; основа (свободи, рівності тощо); зневажання і нехтування правами людини; свободу слова; основні права людини; дотримуватися прав людини; проголосити Загальну декларацію прав людини;зазнавати тортур; покарання; вважатися невинною; прилюдного судового розгляду; на підставі вчинення будь-якого діяння або за бездіяльність; становити злочин за національними законами або за міжнародним правом; накладатись покарання; безпідставно позбавлений; загальнодоступна/однаково доступна освіта;

b) security of person; be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile; be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence; attacks upon honour and reputation; further the activities of; the elementary and fundamental education; the destruction of the rights and freedoms; be presumed innocent.


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