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THIS AGREEMENT FOR PROVISION OF SERVICES (the "Agreement") is made on __20_ between:

(1) __ ("__"), a company established and existing in accordance with the laws of __ with its registered address at ____, and

(2) ___, a corporation established and existing in accordance with the laws of \Finland\ with its registered address at ___

and ___ shall be together called the "Parties" and each of them a "Party".

(A) ___ offers its products, i.e. ___ (the "Products"), for sale and is willing to promote the sales of such Products on the Territory (as defined below);

(B) ___ has authorised ____ to act as its exclusive representative on the Territory with a view to promoting the Products of ___ in the market for Products, and ___ has agreed to act in the above capacity;




In this Agreement the following terms shall have the following meanings save as otherwise provided herein:

"Purchaser" means any party making a contract for delivery of the Products with ____

"Territory" means the entire Europe, with the exception of (Byelorussia and Moldova)

"Remuneration" means remuneration for the provision of services payable to ___.



2.1 Activity under the Agreement

____ hereby authorises ____ to act as its exclusive representative on the Territory with a view to promoting the Products, and ____ agrees to perform such exclusive functions upon the terms and subject to the conditions of this Agreement



3.1 ___ shall use all reasonable efforts in searching for customers located on the Territory with a view to promoting the Products.

3.2 ____shall take reasonable steps to find out the reputation and solvency of the customers whose orders are passed over to ____ by ____.

3.3 ___ shall not be entitled to make any contracts or other agreements with third parties in the name and on behalf of ____. Any sale or contract shall be approved by ___.

3.4 ____ shall be responsible for drafting the contract between itself and the Purchaser. ___ shall arrange for the contract to be signed by the Purchaser and one original counterpart to be sent to ___.

A copy of the contract shall be sent to ___by e-mail or fax.

3.5. ___ shall offer the Products for sale at prices fixed in euros (EUR) or in other currencies requested by the customer if agreed with ___.

3.6. Provision of Information to ___

3.6.1____ shall deliver to ___:

a) Within one month after the signing of the Agreement, a notarized certificate of residence and tax liability of ___ issued by relevant tax authority of Finland, being the ___ country of residence;

b) An annual budget and product sales plan (see Schedule 1). Such documents shall be delivered and agreed annually no later than on 15 December of the current calendar year.

c) A monthly product sales projection for 3 further months to provide for production output planning by the ___ plant (see Schedule 2). Such a projection shall be provided by ___ monthly no later than on the 25th of the current calendar month;
d) A short summary of the market in terms of market shares of and prices on the Products of ___ and similar products of competitors in various regions of the Territory will be presented in sales meeting two times a year.

The schedules referred to in this clause form an integral part of this Agreement.
3.7. Order Placement Procedure ___



4.1 In case of violation of conditions of this Agreement by the Parties, the guilty party shall bear responsibility under the current legislation of Ukraine.

4.2. The parties are released from their responsibility for partial or complete non-execution of their liabilities under the contract should this non-execution be caused by the force majeure circumstances including, but not limited to: fire, flood earthquake, and if these circumstances have had a direct damaging effect on the execution of the present contract

4.3. The party which is unable to fulfill its obligations under this contract is to inform the other party within ten (10) days from the beginning of force majeure circumstances.


5.1. This Agreement shall come into force when signed and be valid until December 31, 20__. If by the end of the stated term none of the Parties notifies of its intention to terminate this Agreement, it shall be considered prolonged for 1 (one) year.

5.2. The Parties shall be obliged to observe the rules of confidentiality of business communication. The Parties shall take measures to prevent the disclosure of information about activity of the counterparty that became known to them in connection of the execution of this Agreement.

5.3. This Agreement is made up on two pages of one sheet, in duplicate, one copy for each Party.

5.4. Changes and amendments to this Agreement shall be introduced by mutual consent of the Parties by signing the supplementary agreement or making a new wording of the agreement.

5.5. All disputes which may arise between the Parties out or in connection with this Agreement shall be settled in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation.



Vocabulary Notes:

Annual Distribution Meetings – щорічні наради з організації збуту

Provision of Information to Agent – надання інформації агенту

Order Placement Procedure – процедура розміщення замовлень

Sales Promotion Expenses – витрати на стимулювання збуту

Remuneration Of Agent – винагорода Агенту

Remuneration for Services – винагорода за надання послуг

Validity Of The Agreement – період дії угоди

Early Termination of the Agreement – дострокове розірвання угоди

Termination Effect – наслідки розірвання угоди

Arbitration and Governing Law – арбітраж і регулююче законодавство



м. _____ “_”_____ 20_ р.

Замовник____ в особі ______ діючого на підставі __, з однієї сторони, та виконавець ______в особі _____, діючого на підставі_______ з другої сторони, уклали цей Договір про надання послуг (надалі за текстом Договір) про наступне:

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