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Company Russian? State influence Internalization
Protek Group yes state laws and regulation of the medicine industry Macedonia
SIA International * yes Participation in the State Program of Additional Medicine Provision for the Subsidized Population no
Katren * yes state laws and regulation of the medicine industry Kazachstan
Merlion yes no Kazachstan
National Computer Corporation yes state orders for the computer equipment no
Techsnabexport yes legislation system of the nuclear energy Germany
LG ELECTRONICS * foreign company    
Rosta * yes state laws and regulation of the medicine industry; participation in federal programs no
Stroyservis yes no Tyrkey, Poland, Japan, Korea, China
R-Farm yes state laws and regulation of the medicine industry; federal programs USA
Metal Servis yes no no
Volvo-Vostok foreign company    
Metal Industry Company * yes no CIS countries
Adidas * foreign company    
Philips * foreign company    
Unilever * foreign company    
L'Oreal * foreign company    
IGC * yes no Egypt, Yemen
BSH Bytovaya Tehnika foreign company    
Oriola Company yes    
Scania * foreign company    
South Multisectoral Corporation yes no no
Prodo Kommerc * yes no no
Komatsu foreign company    
Panasonic Rus * foreign company    
Sanofi * foreign company    
Bunge foreign company    
Siemens * foreign company    
L'etoile * yes no no
D & Pos yes one of the state clients (public construction contracts) no
Rive Gauche * yes no no
PTK * yes tariffs no
Ufaoil * yes tariffs no
Liebherr * foreign company    
Russian Sea yes no no
Ferrero * foreign company    
Khabarovsk Oil company yes tariffs for oil selling and no restrictions for the transportation services no
ABB foreign company    
Krasnoyarsknefteprodukt * yes 57,8% state ownership; tariffs no
Zeppelin foreign company    
*- the web-site is in Russian      
normal influence      
medium influence      
high influence      


From this table it is obvious that it is impossible to say that state influence is correlated with the company internalization = > there is no state influence on the company internalization from the wholesale industry. The wholesale industry is so diverse (here were present companies from the different industries, such as oil, coal, metal-roll, food, technique, nuclear energy, construction, medicine) that the government influence was changed from company to company. For instance, legal regulation for the company from the nuclear energy industry is much more higher then for the wholesaling of coal. Therefore data in table high lightened with the different colors according to the level of influence. Maybe if wholesale was not separated from the its basic industry (according to the type of the product sold), we will find some correlation within industry.

[1] http://www.siamed.ru/about/

[2] http://www.rg.ru/2011/09/22/export.html

[3] http://www.siamed.ru/about/press_reliz_040213.php

[4] http://www.siamed.ru/about/

[5] http://www.cf-rf.ru/content/ru/history.html

[6] http://www.vedomosti.ru/newspaper/article/254658/verysell_uhodit_izza_prilavka

[7] http://www.merlion.ru/about/about/

[8] http://www.rostagroup.ru/content/view/16/86/

[9] http://www.rostagroup.ru/index.php

[10] ibid

[11] http://stroyservis.com/about/detail/10/

[12] http://energo-news.ru/archives/66478

[13] http://r-pharm.com/ru/section/about/history/

[14] http://r-pharm.com/ru/section/about/market/

[15] ibid.

[16] http://www.mc.ru/page.asp/company/history

[17] http://www.mc.ru/page.asp/company/activity

[18] http://www.spb.spk.ru/spkspb/company/spk/

[19] http://www.mcena.ru/message/view/853

[20] http://mejzerkomp.n4.biz

[21] http://www.id-marketing.ru/goods/rinok-zerna-2011.htm

[22] http://www.umk-kond.ru

[23] http://newsru.com/finance/16nov2006/belosahar.html

[24] http://www.prodo.ru/group/about.html

[25] http://meatinfo.ru/docs?group0=318&tagscloud=8308%2C49%2C3117%2C7126&p=7

[26] http://www.adme.ru/business/o3-porodnilas-s-rigloj-vladelec-letual-i-sephora-prodaet-svoi-apteki-proteku-13232/

[27] http://www.dipos.ru/about/history/

[28] ibid

[29] http://www.tdsm.ru/docs/rossiya-dvizhetsya-k-ocherednomu-krizisu/

[30] http://kommersant.ru/doc/2005124

[31] http://ptk.ru/about/organy-upravleniya/sobranie-aktsionerov

[32] http://www.kommersant.ru/doc/2122370

[33] http://www.finmarket.ru/z/els/ank_org.asp?fid=89195

[34] http://www.assoneft.ru/newstek/5029.php

[35] http://www.superjob.ru/clients/gk-ufaojl-optan-230292.html

[36] http://www.vedomosti.ru/companies/news/2234898/plavuchij_interes

[37] http://www.russiansea.ru/company/strukture/

[38] http://www.transbunker.com/history.html

[39] http://www.transbunker.com/companies.html

[40] http://knp.krsn.ru/modules.php?name=Okompany

[41] http://www.assoneft.ru/newstek/5029.php

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