C) Make a list of advantages and disadvantages of each system.
In some countries, such as Canada, medical care is also free. All immigrants and refugees have a health card with a number on it; they present the card when they enter a health facility. People may visit the doctor, go to the hospital for surgery or tests, without paying. Students and visitors on visas would have to pay for health care.
| In the United States, however, health care is very expensive. A visit to the doctor may cost from $25 to $250. Hospital care can cost more than $200 a day. Because health care is so expensive, most people have health insurance. In this way, they pay a flat fee for individual of family coverage. The insurance company then pays all or part of their medical bills.
| In Great Britain there is an organization called the National Health Service (NHS), which is famous for providing free, good-quality health care. It is available to everyone, including foreigners who become ill in Britain. Most UK residents depend on it although the number of private medical insurance schemes is growing nowadays.
The National Health Service began in 1948. It is run by the government and is financed in three ways. Firstly, every working person has to pay a weekly contribution (even though he may never be ill).
| This covers about 15% of the total cost. Secondly, money comes from general taxes. Thirdly, for some things the patient may have to pay a small charge.
There are some people in Britain who ignore the Health Service, even though they have to contribute. They continue to pay privately for treatment. Most doctors have private patients. Some have nothing but private patients. Private treatment is often quicker and more personal.
There are two sorts of doctors in Britain - hospital doctors and family doctors. Hospital doctors are often narrow specialists, but family doctors are specialists in general health and deal with everyday medical problems that people have. They are normally called GPs - General Practitioners. The first doctor you see is usually a GP. You make an appointment to see him at a special or health centre and if you really have a special problem the GP will send you to a specialist. You can also go direct to a hospital if you are ill and don’t know which doctor to go to.
If a doctor decided you need medicine, you’ll get a prescription to take to chemists. In Britain, many medicines are available on prescription only.
If you take trouble with your teeth you can ask to see a dentist.
| Many dentists are very busy and it can be difficult to get an appointment. You can find a list of dentists and denture repairers in the "yellow pages" (a telephone directory which lists companies under the services they offer). List of doctors can also be found there.
For new glasses or contact lenses you should go to an optician. There is usually at least one optician on most British High Streets.
If you got into an accident and need help quickly, you can use the emergency service. Go to a telephone, dial 999 and ask for "Ambulance" (they use the same number to call the Police and Fire Brigade). Emergency treatment is available from the Casualty Department or larger hospitals. Many people go to the Casualty by car, taxi or on foot, but more serious cases come by ambulance.
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