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Kemerovo is located on the Tom River in the South of West Siberia. The city was founded in the year 1918. Its population is more than 560 thousand people. It is one of the largest industrial centres in the country. Nowadays the enterprises of Kemerovo produce different consumer goods. The production of its plants is well known all over the country.

Kemerovo is also an administrative and cultural centre. Its five districts are constantly changing. The architecture of buildings is quite modem and at the same time very simple. New apartment houses form long lines of beautiful buildings, which are nine-storeyed as a rule. The streets are broad and straight. The street traffic is rather heavy in the main thoroughfares. There are shops, cinemas, clubs, and libraries in each district.

All cultural institutions of the city arc situated in the centre of it. They are theatres (Drama Theatre, Musical Comedy Theatre, Puppet Theatre), a concert hall, a circus, museums, art galleries and exhibitions.

Sport is very popular with the citizens. There are stadiums, sports grounds and swimming pools in the city. There are nice parks and gardens in it. There are favourite resting-places of adults and children. They are crowded from early spring till late autumn. Some people like to roam about the quiet paths; the others, who prefer active way of resting, take part in different sideshows. In winter the citizens enjoy skiing and skating. The city is surrounded by beautiful countryside with forests, mountains, and lakes where there are numerous health resorts for people. All Kemerovites are proud of their native city.

Учебно-методические материалы по теме “Holidays”



1) a holiday a vacation holidays 2) to have a holiday to be on holiday (vacation) to go to some place for a holiday a month’s (two month’s) holiday 3) to have a rest to relax to have a good (great) time 4) to travel (by train, by plane, by sea, on foot) 5) tourist, holiday maker 6) health resort sanatorium holiday home holiday centre spa children’s camp to stay in/at 7) to go to the seaside at the seaside (on the seashore) by the sea 8) to swim in the sea to lie in the sun to sunbathe to lie on the beach to dive to go boating to get a suntan to get sunburn 9) to go out of town (to go to the country) to stay in town to go fishing to pick up berries, flowers to gather mushrooms to ride a bicycle to go to the forest to go to the dacha to go camping (to go hiking) to set up a camp to fix a tent to make a halt to spend time in the open air to have a picnic to go for a walk 10) to play snowballs to ski, to go skiing to go (down) hill skiing to skate, to go skating to make a snowman 11) to go abroad for a change of scene to dine at exotic restaurants to visit museums (art galleries) to go on excursion to look round the shops to buy souvenirs to spend a lot of money to get to know people to go sightseeing to take pictures of to enjoy picturesque places to be fond of sth / to be keen on sth    

Read the text and explain the difference between holy days and highdays. Say why they are important for most people


Holidays and how to spend them

The life of each of us is full of “highdays”, exciting days, which we look forward to – like school trips, birthdays, visits to the circus or the theatre – and which we love to remember afterwards.

Other highdays are days, which many people can share – whole families, whole villages, sometimes whole nations – like Bonfire Night, Pancake Day in the United States of America. They are days on which people have been having a “high old time” for many years, sometimes for centuries.

Holidays used to be “holy day” in the calendar, when there was a rest from everyday work and people celebrated in honour of a particular saint of happening in the Church’s year: like St. George’s Day, Whitsun or Christmas.

Holy days were often printed in red in the calendar to remind people that they were special days, so they came to be known as “red-letter days”. Some of these holy days are many centuries old too, and all countries and races of people have their own.

Highdays and holidays are very important, because they bring something special into everyday life; take part in them and enjoy them as much as you can.

For people who work at the same job 8 hours a day, 11 months of the year, holidays are very important. A holiday is the one time in the year when people feel they can relax and forget about the pressures and problems that are normally part of their lives.

The whole point of holidays is that it should be a change. Most people like a change of scene; if they live up-country, they like to get a big town and spend their time looking at shops and visiting cinemas and museums and art galleries, and having gay evenings at hotel and dance; if they are city-dwellers, they like a quiet holiday in the hills or by the sea, with nothing to do but walk and bathe and lie in the sun.

However, changes of scenes are usually expensive, and many people, from lack of money, are obliged to spend their holidays in the same surroundings as their working days. What can these do it make their period of rest a real holiday?

The best thing is to choose some of occupations entirely different from their daily vacation.

The whole virtue of holidays, which brings a change of scene or occupation, is that it is only temporary. Sooner or later, it comes to an end, and the holidaymaker goes back to his normal life. If he has used his holiday well, he ought not to feel a very deep regret that it is over, however much he has enjoyed it, for it ought to have refreshed him and filled him with vigour for the true work to which he is now returning.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-15; просмотров: 833. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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