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Exercise 1. Translate the following international words into Russian. Find pseudointernational words and translate them

assembly, analytical, function, emphasis, revolution, progress, engineer, repetition, application, gas, artist, construction, empirical, assistance, principal, basic, technique, plan, mathematician, metallurgy, economical, economic, friction, type, astronomy, characteristic, fatal, shock, finish, start, physician, concrete, convention, reproduce, doctor, fundamental.


Exercise 2. Translate the following sentences into Russian paying attention to international words.

1. The sheer speed of change in many manufacturing technologies is startling.

2. The only positive alternative to oil and gas is nuclear energy.

3. Kinetic energy is the energy of position.

4. The theory is expected to fit the experiment.

5. We spoke about including her in the list of people responsible for international seminar.

6. He examined the problem and decided that the only solution for him was to return to the order of his old life.

7. Patina is a green coating, caused by oxidation, on copper objects.

8. There are many scientific institutions in this part of the city.

9. The changes which bodies undergo in nature are called phenomena.

10. The construction of a new metallurgical plant is planned to start in October.

11. Bronze has a low coefficient of friction.

12. Great opportunities exist to create IT and business strategies to exploit IT.

13. We have to think horizontally all the way from the original raw material supplier to the ultimate end user.

14. Fiber composites improve the strength-to-weight ratio of base materials such as titanium and aluminium.

15. In the cosmic age, the extraordinary properties of titanium have made it a new wonder metal.

16. American culture is heterogeneous. Ethnic diversity is not limited by the territory.

17. Chances are that when you enter environment you will be required to know how to use a microcomputer to peform many of your job-related functions.

18. The development of atomic energy demonstrates that energy can be converted into matter.

19. She is valued for her technological expertise and project management talent.

20. Factory based manufacture allows full integration with the latest computer aided design.

21. The greatest leaders have charisma, an attractive quality that makes other people admire them and want to follow them. They also have dynamism and energy.

22. His customers have remained loyal and are anticipating the company’s emergence from bankruptcy.

23. He wants the various product group committees to become stronger.


Дата добавления: 2014-11-12; просмотров: 821. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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