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Exercise 2. Translate the following sentences into Russian paying attention to the verbals. Explain your translation

1. A bell rung in vacuum makes no sound.

2. Glass is fragile or breakable. A glass bottle dropped on a hard`surface is likely to break.

3. By persuing best practices you are able to see how an organization functions and where the worst practices are, and that’s typically where the greatest opportunities are for improvement.

4. First Newton studied the quality of inertia, or the quality of a body to resist change in its state of motion or direction.

5. Gallileo demonstrated that a body pushed on a smooth surface could go much further than a body pushed on a rough surface.

6. Foreign students who are not native speakers of English must document their proficiency of English by taking one of the internationally recognized tests: TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) or ELTS (English Language Testing Service).

7. As already mentioned, admission standards at the University are very competitive, and just the most qualified applicants are considered for admission.

8. Language is thought to be a function of the left side of the brain.

9. The primary objective of the present spectral studies is to determine the retained austenite content as a function of cooling rate and temper temperature.

10. New advanced methods of the products and elevating the combination of specified plastic forming are developed and the old methods are improved with the aim of lowering the cost of the products and elevating the combination of specified process and operating properties

11. To synthesize a human voice, the computer vibrates a speaker cone to try to simulate the acoustical wave patterns produced by the human voice. This approach seems to be understandable.

12. However, development of the methods of analytical transmission electron microscopy and intensification of the research of imperfect structures in strongly deformed crystals have shown to be adequate only in the initial stages of deformation.

13. With growth in the degree of deformation all the levels mentioned above are involved progressively.

14. Steels subjected to hot temperature mechanical treatment soften with growth in the temperature to a lesser degree than steels subjected to conventional heat treatment (quenching).

15. In alloys undergoing phase transformations the kinetics of structure formation is more complex but its main feature is inheritance of the dislocation structure of the deformed alloy by the forming stage.

16. We will use this approach for considering the role of plastic strain in the process of the formation of structure, mechanical, and other properties in thermomechanical treatment.

17. A bell struck in a vacuum, no sound can be heard.

18. Captured carbon dioxide can be transported by pipeline up to several hundred kilometers to suitable geologic storage sites and subsequent subterranean storage with the pressure produced while capturing.

19. The concept of universal gravity was the greatest contribution of Isaak Newton, the man many consider to be one of the greatest thinkers of all time.

20. Steel construction has always delivered benefits, providing the basis for everything from fully finished modules through light steel framing for housing, strip steel for cladding and roofing to hot roll sections and plates for the largest buildings and bridges.

21. John Dalton thought the atoms to be solid.

22. Electrons are known to be kept in their paths by the force of attraction between the protons and the electrons.


Дата добавления: 2014-11-12; просмотров: 672. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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