Exercise 2. Find English equivalents in the text. 1. Конституція ВООЗ була підписана 61 країною. 2. Членство у ВООЗ доступно всім країнам.
3. ВООЗ інформує національні служби охорони здоров'я про спалахи вірусних інфекцій. 4. Щоденна робота ВООЗ проводиться медичним і адміністративним апаратом службовців із різних країн. Exercise 3. Answer the questions. 1. What is WHO? 2. What are the activities of WHO? 3. What is one of the main services carried out by WHO? 4. Where is the daily work of WHO carried out? Exercise 4. Can you name any deadly infectious diseases that have spread around the world?
Exercise 5. Read the text.
Pandemics and Tamiflu When someone who has flu sneezes nearby, you take tiny droplets of their saliva into your lungs. The droplets contain viruses that are looking for a new home. They get into your lungs and then into your blood, and can quickly take over your whole body, using it as a factory in which they can reproduce. At any time, a deadly bacterium or a virus can become very successful and spread across the world, killing millions of human beings. When this happens it is called a 'pandemic'. There was a pandemic in 1918. An influenza virus called H1N1, or 'Spanish flu', killed between 50 and 100 million people. More people died from H1N1 than were killed in the First World War. A letter from a doctor in a military camp in 1918 describes the situation: "__ it is only a few hours until death comes. It is horrible. We have been averaging about 100 deaths per day. We have lost many nurses and doctors. Special trains carry away the dead. For several days there were no coffins and the bodies piled up." Since 1918, the HIN1 virus has mutated. Now there is a mutation called H5N1. When this mutation first appeared in China in 1996, there was a desperate search for a medicine to deal with it. The pharmaceutical company Roche came up with a drug called Tamiflu. Tamiflu does not kill H5N1, but stops it making copies of itself. If given early enough, vaccinations of Tamiflu could perhaps save many lives. However, the virus will continue to mutate, and might become resistant to Tamiflu. The next mutation may already be with us by the time you're reading this! Exercise 6. Read the sentences and decide if they are true (T) or false (F). 1. A pandemic is a type of virus. 2. Viruses reproduce outside your body. 3. More people died from Spanish flu than were killed in the First World War. 4. H1N1 is the name of a pandemic. 5. H5N1 is an antiviral drug. 6. Tamiflu is made by Roche. 7. Tamiflu stops H5N1 spreading.
UNIT THIRTY-FOUR I Speaking Anesthesia
I. Speaking: Anesthesia Exercise 1. Read the text A. "Anesthesia" means "loss of sensation". Drugs that cause anesthesia work by blocking B. The development of effective anesthetics in the 19th century was an important factor in Ether was one of earliest anesthetics, but it had some drawbacks - for example, it could cause vomiting. It was quickly replaced by chloroform, which was more potent and easier to use than ether. However, it was not as safe to use as ether, and could cause sudden death. By the 1920s, intravenous induction agents were introduced. They enabled patients to fall asleep quickly and pleasantly. In the 1940s muscle relaxants became available. C. Anesthesia can be given in different ways, and not all anesthesia makes you -Local anesthesia numbs a small part of your body. You stay conscious but free from pain. - Regional anesthesia can be used for operations on larger or deeper parts of the body. The most common regional anesthetics (also known as regional "blocks") are spinal and epidural anesthetics. These can be used for operations on the lower body, such as cesarean sections, bladder operations, or hip replacements. You stay conscious but free from pain. -General anesthesia is a state of controlled unconsciousness, and you feel nothing. It is essential for some operations such as abdominal surgery. As the anesthetic drugs wear off, your consciousness starts to return. D. Modern monitoring systems and a greater understanding of the functions of the body Exercise 2. Choose the best headings (1-6) to match sections of the text (A-D). There are two more headings than you need. 1. Some Types of Anesthesia__________________________________ 2. Death on the Operating Table__________________________________ 3. A Short History of Anesthesia__________________________________ 4. Anesthetic Nurses_______________________________ 5. What is Anesthesia?____________________________ 6. Anesthesia Today_______________________________ Exercise 3. Answer these questions based on the text. 1. How do anesthetic drugs work? 2. Why do you think patients were held or strapped down before anesthetic drugs were 3.What difference did anesthetic drugs make to the work of surgeons? 4. Which was safer to use - ether or chloroform? 5. Which was easier to use - ether or chloroform? 6. Do patients lose consciousness during regional anesthesia? 7.1s death resulting from anesthesia common? Exercise 4. Find words or phrases in the text with these meanings. a) Having a strong effect__________________ b) Loses the power to feel___________________ c) Disappear gradually_________________ UNIT THIRTY-FIVE
I. Speaking: Male Reproductive System
After careful study of this unit you should be able to: - name the male gonads; - describe the composition and function of semen; - draw and label a spermatozoon; - name the main male sex hormones; - list major disorders of the male reproductive tract.
Exercise 1. Read and learn the following words and their equivalents.
2. Read and translate the text.
Male Reproductive System The reproductive apparatus of males is different from female concerning not only primary but also accessory organs. The primary organs include the gonades, or sex glands which produce the germ cells and manufacture hormones. The male gonads are testes. They are located outside the body between the thighs in a sac called the scrotum. In the testes there are seminiferous tubules in whose wall cells produce spermatozoa. Between the tubules there are interstitial [inta'stijlal] cells that secrete the male sex hormone testosterone. Testosterone has two functions: - the maintenance of the reproductive structures, including development of spermatozoa; - the development of secondary sex characteristics (accessory). In the scrotum there is also a greatly coiled tube (6 meters long) called the epididymis. While spermatozoa are temporarily stored in the epididymis, they mature and become motile (рухливі), that is, able to move by themselves.
and then curves behind the urinary bladder. There each was deferens j oins with the duct of the seminal vesicle and forms the ejaculatory duct. The two ejaculatory ducts enter the body of the prostate gland. Ducts from the prostate carry its secretion into the urethra. The urethra passes outside the body through the penis (phallus). It is composed of erective tissue and a soft sensitive part called the glans penis. Exercise 3. Look at Fig. 27-1 and describe the male reproductive system.
Exercise 4. Look at Fig. 27-2 and describe the human spermatozoon.
Exercise 5. Translate into English. Вторинні чоловічі статеві ознаки - це грубший голос, ширший плечовий пояс, вужчий таз, більше волосяного покриву на тілі, ніж у жінок. Exercise 6. Read and translate the following clinical terms. 1. Infertility is characterized by the decreased ability to reproduse. 2.Sterility is complete inability to reproduce. 3. Cryptorchidism [krip'toikidizm] is the failure of testes to descend into the scrotum.
4. Inguinal hernia ['ingwinal'rBmis] is the rupture of the abdominal wall at the inguinal canal. 5. Infections of the male reproductive organs include gonorrea, syphilis, and genital herpes. 6. Cancer of the prostate is a common disease in men over 50. Exercise 7. Answer the following questions. 1) What belongs to the organs of the male reproductive system? 2) What are primary and accessory features of the male reproductive system? 3) What disorders in men do you know? 4) What is the main male sex hormone? 5) What are its functions? 6) What is spermatozoon? II. Grammar Exercises Exercise 1. Fill in the blanks with the necessary words: many, much, a lot of, a few, little, a little. 1. There are... sportsmen in our college. 2. They spend... time at the stadium every day. 3.... students of our group read good in English. 4. I don't have... free time. I am very busy. 5. There are... English books in our library. 6. My brother works... all day long. 7. Do you speak English? - Yes, I do.... 8. 1 can't go there. I have... time. 9. He knows physics he didn't take its course. 10. Do you have... water? Exercise 2. Use the paired conjunctions both... and, either... or, neither... nor. Translate the sentences. 1.... angina pectoris... acute pulmonary edema are helped by carotid sinus massage and nitroglycerin. 2. The doctor did not administer him... a bed regimen... a diet. 3. A physician revealed... the increased respiratory rate... the increased pulse rate.
Exercise 3. Translate the sentences of Exercise 1 and Exercise 2. Exercise 4. Paraphrase the following sentences using the possessive case of the nouns. 1. The scalpel that belongs to Jack. 2. The camera that belongs to my friend. 3. The text books that belong to her students. 4. The wards that belong to that surgeon. 5. The gown that belongs to the nurse.
Exercise 5. Make up your own sentences using conjunctions from § 114.
III. Independent Work: Major Medical Specialty Fields Exercise 1. Read and translate the text. Major Medical Specialty Fields Allergy and immunology deal with disorders of the immune system, including allergies, autoimmune diseases, and immune deficiencies. Anesthesiology is the study of anesthesia and anesthetics. Anesthesiologists give anesthetics during operations or supervise the administration of these drugs. Cardiology is the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the heart. Colon and rectal surgery is the surgical treatment of disorders of the lower digestive tract. Dermatology diagnoses and treats diseases of the skin, nails, and hair. Emergency medicine deals with the immediate recognition and treatment of acute injuries, illnesses, and emotional crises. Family practice is the supervision of the total health care of patients and their families, regardless of age. Neurological surgery, or neurosurgery, is the surgical treatment of disorders of the nervous system. Oncology is the study of tumors. Ophthalmology is the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of eye diseases. Orthopedics is the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the skeletal and muscular systems. Pathology is the study of changes in the body that cause disease or are caused by disease. Pediatrics is the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of children's diseases. Radiology is the use of X-rays and radium to diagnose and treat disease. Thoracic surgery is the surgical treatment of diseases of the heart, lungs, or large blood vessels in the chest. Urology deals with diseases of the organs that pass the urine and of the male reproductive organs. Otolaryngology diagnoses and treats ear, nose, and throat diseases.
Exercise 2. Answer the question. What departments are there at your district hospital?
Exercise 3. Describe the polyclinic at your hospital.
I. Speaking: English Prescription After careful study of this unit you should be able to: — tell about English prescription; — list new pharmaceutic terms; — explain the naming of drugs; — describe prescription. Exercise 1. Learn the following pharmaceutic terms. associate [s'ssojieit] з'еднувати(ся); асоціювати(ся) compound ['kumpaund] сполука curative ['kjusrstiv] цілющий dispense [dis'pens] готувати, розфасовувати (ліки) gather ['gasda] збирати (трави, рослини) herb [1із:Ь] трава (лікарська) identify [ai'dentifai] встановлювати, розпізнавати, ідентифікувати infusion [іп'і]и:ззгі] настій modify ['mudifai] модифікувати, видозмінювати plant [plaint] рослина; завод preventive [pri'ventiv] профілактичний qualitative ['kwrjlitativ] якісний store [sto:] зберігати storage ['stairid}] зберігання; сховище technique [tek'ni:k] техніка; методика variety [vs'raiati] сорт, вид, різновид vegetable ['vecfjitsbl] рослинний; (pi.) рослини (загальна назва) Exercise 2. Read the title of the text and say what this text is about. Exercise 3. Read the text and do all exercises following it. English Prescription The language of prescription was unique1 in Great Britain some half a century ago when all the names of drugs were latinized. It was possible because the physician used only dosed drugs. Today all prescriptions are written in English. The only Latin which is used is few traditional abbrevations2 in the direction to the pharmacist and on the label. A more serious problem is the naming of drags. In the old days, drags had only one official name and drug companies did not have many trade names. At present, each drug has at least three names. They are the chemical name, the so-called generic name, and trade name1. The chemical name is difficult to use and remember except for the simplest drags because of its length and complexity. The trade or brand name is the private property4 of the drug company and is copy right". Most drugs have several trade names because each company producing the drug gives it a different name. It is common practice to capitalize6 the first letter of a trade name. The generic or official name is shorter than the chemical name. It is public property and any drag manufacturer may use it. There is only one generic name for each drug. The majority of physicians use trade names in prescriptions. Generic name should be used as the language of prescription. It is known to the specialists of medicine and pharmacy and it is not known to general public. For example, ampicillin is the generic name of a well known antibiotic; alpha-aminobenzyl P- its chemical name; Omnipen, Penbritin, Polycillin, etc. are its trade names. Dosage. It goes without saying7 that a prescription cannot be written without a very good knowledge of the dose effects of drags. Each drug has its own dose specification8 dependent on pharmacological properties, metabolism of the drag. It should have the following information: 1. Name and address of the physician and his telephone number. The title M.D. (Medical 2. Usually at the top - patient's name, address, age and the date. 3. Symbol Rx. This is about the same as "Dear Sir" on top of a letter. It comes from Latin 4. The body of the prescription contains the name of the drag and the dose. 5. Under the body of the prescription should be written the directions to the pharmacist. It is called subscription. In modern prescriptions it consists only of the form of the medicine (powder, tablet, capsules, etc.) and the number of units. 6. The directions to the patient as to how he should take the medicine. It is called the label or "signature". Notes: 'unique [ju:'ni:k] унікальний traditional abbreviations - традиційні скорочення 'generic name and trade name - офіцінальна (фармакопейна) та торгова назва 4private property - приватна власність 5is copy right - на неї (назву) розповсюджується авторське право 6to capitalize - писати з великої літери 7it goes without saying - нічого й говорити 8dose specification - інструкція з дозування Exercise 4. Read the Latin codes and their equivalents used in English prescriptions. Translate them into Ukrainian. a.c. - before meals h - hour і - one or one time ne.rep. (n.r.) - means to the pharmacist that the prescription is not to be repeated p.r.n. - as needed Sig. - signature i.i.stat. - two tablets at once i.q. 4h. - one capsule every 4 hours in - mix tabs - tablets t.i.d. - three times a day i.d. - once a day Exercise 5. Complete the sentences with the necessary words from the text. 1. The trade name is usually known to the specialists of medicine and isn't known to.... 2. Generic names are known to the specialists of... and.... 3. The body of the prescription contains....4.... drugs had only one official name. 5. Chemical names are difficult..., hard..., and difficult.... 6. A prescription cannot be written without a very... knowledge of the dose effect of the drug. Exercise 6. Discuss the text answering the questions. 1. In what language are prescriptions written in Great Britain? 2. Is Latin used in prescriptions at present? 3. How many names does a drug possess? 4. What name of the drug is difficult to use and remember? 5. Why are trade names of drags mostly selected? 6. What drug names are not known to general public? 7. On what does the dose of a drag depend? 8. What does the title M.D. in prescription indicate? 9. Are the name and address of the physician written on a prescription? 10. How many parts does a prescription consist of? 11. What medicinal forms are known to you? 12. In what language are indications to drag administration written? 13. What is the difference between English and Ukranian prescriptions? Exercise 7. Read the examples of the following English prescriptions, translate the codes (see Exercise 1). Prescription I Tel. ER5- 600 Reg. No. 198 Rupert Black, M.D. 230 Broad Street Philadelphia 1, Philadelphia1 Name: Mrs. Anna White, age 45 Address: 619 Locust Street, Philadelphia, Philadelphia Tabs, Thyroid USP 30 ng2 Dispense: 60 Sig. Tabs.i.t. i.d.a.c. Rupert Black, M.D. ne.rep. Prescription II Tel. ER5- 600 Rupert Black, M.D. Ephedrine Sulfate 0.6 gm Phenobarbital 0.6 gm M. Divide into 30 capsules Sig. Cap. i. of 4 h. p.r.n. Rupert Black, M.D. ne.rep. Prescription III Tel. ER5-600 Rupert Black, M.D. 230 Broad Street Philadelphia 1, Philadelphia Dispense: 60 Sig. Tabs, i.i.stat, then Tabs i.q. 4h. Rupert Black, M.D. Notes: 'Philadelphia, Philadelphia - місто Філадельфія штату Філадельфія 2ng (nanogram) - нанограм, одна мільярдна частка грама Control Tests. Urinary and Reproductive Systems 1. What science studies the functions and A. Myology B. Urology C. Neurology D. Nephrology E. Gynecology 2. What specialist treats kidney diseases? A. Neurologist B. Neuropathologist D. Psychologist E. Nephropathologist 3. What department are patients with urinary A. Surgical B. Urological C. Therapeutic D. Neurological E. Dermatological 4. This function the urinary system doesn't A. Control of the volume of blood and B. Control of arterial pressure C. Coagulation of blood D. Excretion of waste products E. Production of blood 5. What is the structural unit of the kidney? A. Acinus B. Neuron C. Nephron D. Urine E. Hormone 6. What organ doesn't belong to the urinary A. Urine B. Urethra C. Ureter D. Kidney E. Bladder 7. What shape does the kidney have? A. Bean B. Pear C. Ball D. Conic E. Horn 8. What regulates the work of the kidney? A. Heart B. Head C. Abdomen D. Hypothalamus E. Muscles 9. What is the length of the ureter? A. About 1 meter B. About 50 cm C. About 40 cm D. About 80 cm E. About 30 cm 10. Where are the kidneys situated? A. In the cranium B. Behind the abdominal cavity C. In the lower part of the abdomen D. In the front part of the abdomen E. On the left side 11. Where is the bladder situated? A. In the upper part B. Under the stomach C. Under the liver D. Behind the heart E. In the lower part of abdomen 12. What does the term "polyuria" mean? A. Low discharge of urine daily B. High discharge of urine daily C. Normal discharge of urine daily D. Abnormal discharge of urine daily E. Absence of discharge of urine 13. What does the term "hematuria" mean? A. The blood in the urine B. Bleeding C. Urine in the blood D. Disease of the urinary tract E. Condition 14. What does the term "uremia" mean? A. The blood in the urine B. Bleeding C. Urine in the blood D. Disease of the urinary tract E. Condition 15. What does "diuresis" mean? A. Formation of urine B. Micturition C. Discharge of urine D. Volume of urine E. Daily dose of urine 16. With what can kidney be compared A. Bean B. Fungi D. Filter E. Pelvis 17._____________________ An examination of urine is. A. dialysis B. hemolysis C. hydrolysis D. urinalysis E. enuresis 18. Protein found in the urine. A. Glucosuria B. Pyuria C. Albuminuria D. Acetonuria E. Hematuria 19. What does the urinary bladder serve for? A. Temporary collection of urine B. Formation of urine C. Formation of water D. Collection of stones E. Discharge of waste products 20. What is pyelitis? A. Inflammation of the bladder B. Inflammation of the kidney C. Inflammation of the ureter D. Inflammation of a kidney pelvis E. Inflammation of the urethra 21. Displacement of the kidney. A. Renal necrosis B. Renal ectopia C. Renal calculi D. Renal stones E. Renal pelvis 22.____ Cuplike divisions in the renal pelvis are A. alveoli B. calyces C. tiny tubules D. nephrons E. cells 23. Abnormal (small) amount of urine flow. A. Uremia B. Oliguria C. Polyuria D. Anemia E. Anuria 24. What isn't a translation of the word "хвороба"? A. Sickness B. Illness C. Disorder D. Disease E. Health 25. Where does the urine go from the renal A. To the urethra B. То the ureter C. То the bladder D. To the blood E. There is no right answer 26. The doctor who treats diseases of the A. obstetrician B. gynecologist C. urologist D. pathologist E. surgeon 27. What organ doesn't belong to the male A. Scrotum B. Penis C. Ovary D. Testis E. Prostate 28. What organ doesn't belong to the female A. Testicle B. Ovary C. Uterus D. Vagina E. Placenta 29. The female sex hormone is_________. A. thyroidin B. insulin C. pepsin D. adrenaline E. progesterone 30. The male semen is________. A. ovum B. cell C. milk D. spermatozoon E. blood 31. The inflammation of the male sex internal A. urethritis B. cystitis C. hepatitis D. colpitis E. prostatitis 32. A woman who is expecting a child is a___________ woman. A. patient B. pregnant C. doctor D. obstetrician E. nurse 33. What does the term "fertilization" mean? A. Запліднення