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Family Traditions

I’d like to tell you about our family traditions. They are different all over the world.

There are countries where “family” is a group of people who live in the same house: a mother, a father and children, before they move to their own apartments.

Abroad, young people want to lead independent lives as soon as they start their jobs. They are not as close to their parents as we are.

For our people, “family” is something special even sacred. It’s our harbour where we feel safe and relaxed.

As for me, I live in a big family with my parents. We have many relatives. We often get together, especially for different holiday s, celebration s and parties.

Most of all I like Sundays, when we have our family lunches together. It usually takes about 2 hours. We chat about everything, discuss problems and share family duties.

When there is somebody’s birthday, the New Year, Christmas, Easter or some other holiday, we invite our relatives and close friends. We like to organize noisy parties with lots of food, drinks, music, and entertainment. Everyone prepares for the party. Women cook traditional dishes, men go shopping, children buy present s. Our parties and holidays are never boring.

My favourite holiday is Christmas. It’s celebrated on the 7th of January. It starts with the Christmas Eve on the 6th of January. We follow the tradition to cook 12 dishes for supper: kutia, borshch, varenyky, holybtsi, etc.

Most dishes are national and special because they are symbolic. All members of our family are at home at this time. We lay the table and wait till the first star appears in the sky. Then we pray and have our Christmas Supper. This holiday is like a fairy tale, it wakes the warmest feelings in our souls.

My birthday is another big holiday for me. It’s the day when I feel myself the centre of the world. Everyone wish es me the best and I get presents and congratulations. I always expect surprises from my relatives and friends. I usually celebrate my birthday with parents and relatives at home. I also invite my friends and groupmates for my birthday party to some café or disco club where we spend our time with fun and pleasure.

I also like to celebrate birthdays of my parents and relatives. In such days our home is full of smiles, songs and congratulations. I like to help mum to cook something tasty and of course a birthday cake.

As you see my family has a lot of traditions. They are all dear to my heart and they make my life unforgettable. I like to look through photos of different holidays and remember those pleasant and great days of my life.

It’s very important to save family traditions, develop them and enrich them with something new and unique.


Exercise 11. Discuss the following:

1) What family traditions exist (існують) only in your family?

2) What traditions would you like to have in your family?

3) What family traditions do you hate and would like to change?

4) What are your favourite holidays?

5) What holidays do you celebrate only with family and relatives?

6) What holidays do you celebrate only with your friends?

7) Do you have family lunches/dinners during the weekends? What are they?

8) Does your family organize parties? When? How often?

9) How do you help to prepare to some holiday or party?


Exercise 12. Tell about your family traditions:

· family celebrations and holidays;

· favourite holidays;

· preparations and entertainment to the parties.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 725. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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