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Lesson 4

Oral test on the homework

Your hometask was to compose a story about the problems you’ve faced buying a new computer. Tell your story to the class.



I. Give definitions to words and word combinations which you have learnt at the previous lesson and spell them:

To replace, a writable drive, to burn something, specs, a microprocessor, to be a whiz at something, PC, processor, to give someone your two cents worth, memory, to act up, heart of hearts, DVD, word processing, a monitor, to throw out something, a central processing unit, to be over your head, RAM, data, a mouse, a blank CD.


II. Learning new vocabulary for the theme “COMPUTER”. Match computer terms written in bold with option a-d. Then read matched pairs aloud and put between the term and its definition the verb “is”. For example,

Hit is a visit to a Web site.

cursor A: coarse speaker B: indicator C: moneychanger D: technician
network A: TV channel B: digital design C: system of computers D: filter
to download A: to copy B: scramble C: erase D: delete
virus A: flaw B: poison C: fatigue D: infection
browser software that allows you toA: explore the Internet B: eavesdrop C: send a fax D: save a file
to boot A: to fail gradually B: enlarge C: adjust D: start up
server A: central computer B: speed control C: power supply D: trouble-shooter
modem A: digital code B: keyboard C: visual display D: connecting device
glitch A: flash B: excitement C: error D: stroke of luck
pixel A: picture element B: programming oddity C: brief blur D: long delay
link A: missing piece B: space station C: related site D: warning signal
scanner machine that A: reproduces images B: translates files C: searches a document D: adds colour
shareware A: hand-me-down clothing B: free hardware C: relic D: trial software
gigabyte A:sudden shutdown B: unit of storage C: wide gap D: high pressure

III. Compose ten sentences using terms from the previous exercise using as many terms as you can.


IV. Listen to the audio text “Computer terms: Good Hackers, Bad Hackers and Busy Bloggers” and write down terms pronounced in the text and their definitions.

Listen to the text once more to check your answers and discuss them with your partner.

Try to tell a connected story about just written terms.



Study the information about the Present Perfect Tense and Past Simple Tense in Appendix for self-study.


I. Working in pairs act the following dialogue in parts and then perform it to the class.


Henry: Hello Sheila. I didn't expect to see you here.

Sheila: Oh, I've been here for quite a while.

Henry: When did you arrive?

Sheila: Just after lunch.

Henry: Did Patrick pick you up from the station?

Sheila: No, it was a nice day so I walked.

Henry: Have you eaten anything since you've been here?

Sheila: Yes, I had afternoon tea with the girls.

Henry: What did you think of Penny?

Sheila: She's grown up a lot since I last saw her.

Henry: And how did you find Rebecca?

Sheila: She didn't join us. I haven't seen her yet.


II. Mini-conference. Answering questions.

One student answers the questions of his/her groupmates on the following points:

– What type of computers does he/she use?

– What does he/she use a computer for?

– What components does it contain of? And what does he/she want to add?

– What is more preferable a computer or a laptop?


III. Divide into groups (2 or 3 students) and make a short summary on topics under consideration (main computer parts, computer usage purposes, advantages and disadvantages of using a computer).

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 798. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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