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14 страница. He wondered what boat it was, and why she did not stop at the wharf — and then he dropped her out of his mind and put his attention upon his business

He wondered what boat it was, and why she did not stop at the wharf — and then he dropped her out of his mind and put his attention upon his business. (Twain)

Coordinate clauses joined by the conjunctions neither, nor are generally separated by a semicolon.

Martin did not laugh; nor did he grit his teeth in anger. (Lon­don)

She would not listen, therefore, to her daughter's proposal of be­ing carried home; neither did the apothecary, who arrived about the same time, think it necessary. (Austen)

Occasionally a comma is found.

He could not bring them back, nor could he go back to them. (London)

But you can't get at him, neither can we. (Dickens)

Clauses joined by the conjunctive adverbs moreover, besides, then are usually separated by a semicolon.

He seemed to have no desire to go; besides his clothes were not good enough. (Cronin)

It was the custom of that youth on Saturdays, to roll up his shirt sleeves to his shoulders, and pervade all parts of the house in an apron of coarse green baize; moreover, he was more strongly tempted on Saturdays than on other days. (Dickens)


§ 9. Coordinate clauses joined by disjunctive conjunctions are usually separated by a comma. A dash may also be used.

The whole world had come alive again, was going as fast as we were, or rather we were going no faster than the rest of the world. (Wells)

Either his going had been again delayed, or he had yet procured no opportunity of seeing Miss Crawford alone, or he was too happy for letter-writing. (Austen)

Occasionally a semicolon or a dash is found before the conjunc­tion or.

But to live in ignorance on such a point was impossible; or, at least, it was impossible not to try for information. (Austen) She was disappointed — or did it only seem to him? (Wells)


§10. Coordinate clauses joined by adversative conjunctions.

Clauses joined by the conjunctions but and while are separated by a comma or a semicolon. A dash may also be found.

He still smoked, but he drank no more. (London)

Tom was a Whig, while Esmond was a Tory. (Thackeray)

Her own limits were the limits of her horizon; but limited minds

can recognize limitation only in others. (London)

He was driven out into the cold world, he must submit — but he

forgave them. (Twain)

Clauses joined by the conjunctive adverbs whereas, still as a rule are separated by a semicolon. A comma is used but seldom.

It gave him exquisite delight to watch every movement and play of those lips as they enunciated the words she spoke; yet they were not ordinary lips such as all men and women had. (London)

Upon the other step was Mr. Jonas; whereas the youngest gen­tleman was deep in the booking-office among the black and red plackards. (Dickens)


§11. Clauses joined by causative-consecutive conjunctions and conjunc­tive adverbs are as a rule separated by a comma or a semicolon.

"Who?" asked Clyde, pretending an innocence he could not physically verify, for his cheeks and forehead flushed. (Dreiser)

Don't approach me; for I hate you beyond measure. (Bennett)

Clauses joined by the conjunction so are separated by a comma.

It was clear that something had happened, so we eased up. (Jerome)

Occasionally we find a dash or a colon before the conjunctions for and so.

Aunt Polly asked him questions — for she wanted to trap him into damaging revealments. (Twain)

Becky was gone to her Constantinople home to stay with her parents during vacations — so there was no bright side to life anywhere. (Twain)

There is an increasing tendency to discard the comma between coordinate clauses, but it is still desirable before but and obligatory before for, while, whilst, whereas, only.


§ 12. As has been stated in Chapter XVII, § 6, a sentence containing direct speech consists of two independent clauses.

Direct speech is given in quotation marks. The clause containing direct speech is separated from the other coordinate clause, which introduces the direct speech, by a comma.

The lady said to her friend, "Why, Rawdon, it's Captain Dobbin." (Thackeray)

"Come in and have your milk," he said. (Galsworthy) A colon is also possible.

Bosinney replied coolly: "The work is a remarkable one." (Gals­worthy)

'June's not here," said his father hastily: "went off to-day on a visit." (Galsworthy)

If the clause containing direct speech is interrogative or exclama­tory, a note of interrogation or a note of exclamation is used; the clause is not separated from the other clause by a stop, if the clause containing direct speech precedes the other. If it follows the other clause, a comma or a semicolon is used.

"Where do you get your things?" he said in an aggravated voice. (Galsworthy)

"I'd no idea it was so good!" he said. (Galsworthy)

She sank down by his side and cried: "Oh, Phil! it's all so horrid!" (Galsworthy)

Then Soames asked: "When do you expect to have finished?" (Galsworthy)


The Complex Sentence


To separate subordinate clauses from the principal clause the fol­lowing rules on the use of commas are observed.


§ 13. Subject clauses as a rule are not separated from the principal clause by any comma.

What he learned of farming in that week might have been balanced on the point of a penknife and puffed off. (Galswor­thy)

However, a comma is found if the subject clause is of some length and if a subordinate clause is attached to it.

What had saved him from becoming a cross between a lap dog and a little prig, had been his father's adoration of his mother. (Galsworthy)


§14. Predicative clauses as a rule are not separated from the principal clause by any comma. A comma is often used when they are joined asyndetically.

Ruth's point of view was that he was doing no more than was right. (London)

My opinion is, she'd come to me. (Weyman)


§15. Object clauses are not separated from the principal clause by a comma. If the object clause precedes the principal clause, a comma may or may not be used.

The silence was so long and deep that he looked up. wondering why the Padre did not speak. (Voynich)

... and what Browning had done for her, Martin decided he could do for Ruth. (London)

§ 16. Attributive clauses.

1. Restrictive relative attributive clauses are not separated from the
principal clause by commas.

You may be sure every smuggler in the Apennines will do for a man who was in the Savigno revolt what he will not do for us. (Voynich)

2. Non-restrictive relative attributive clauses are as a rule separated
from the principal clause by a comma.

Tom presented himself before Aunt Polly, who was sitting by an open window. (Twain)

I turned hastily round, and found at my elbow a pretty little girl, who begged to be directed to a certain street at a considerable distance. (Dickens)

3. Continuative attributive clauses are always separated from the
principal clause by a comma.

Oliver was frightened at the sight of so many gentlemen, which made him tremble: and the beadle gave him another tap behind, which made him cry. (Dickens)

4. Appositive attributive clauses, are never separated from the
principal clause by a punctuation mark.

The thought that his adored daughter should learn of that old scandal hurt his pride too much. (Galsworthy) She paused with an uneasy sense that instead of defending Kath she was providing ammunition against her. (Lindsay)


§17. Adverbial clauses.

I. When an adverbial clause follows the principal clause, no comma is generally used. When it precedes the principal clause, it is separated from it by a comma.

The solicitor addressed me as he descended the stair. (Ch. Bronte)

He sank into a silence so profound that Aunt Hester began to be afraid he had fallen into a trance. (Galsworthy) He drew the blanket over his head that he might not hear. (Voy­nich)

When Phyl called to see how Pearl was getting on, she found her still curled up sulkily in her arm-chair. (Lindsay)

Though I had now extinguished my candle and was laid down in bed, I could not sleep. (Ch. Bronte)

If any shareholder has any question to put, I shall be glad to answer it. (Galsworthy)

2. An adverbial clause of result coming after the principal clause, which is usually the case, is often separated by a comma.

The thicket was as close as a brush; the ground very treacher­ous, so that we often sank in the most terrifying manner. (Ste­venson)





§ 18. If in a complex sentence there are two or more homogeneous clauses, they are separated from each other by a comma.

When dusk actually closed, and when Adele left me to go and play in the nursery with Sophie, I did not keenly desire it. (Ch. Bronte)


§ 19. At the end of every kind of declarative non-exclamatory sen­tence — simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex — a full stop is used.

Young Jolyon poured out the tea. (Galsworthy)

All the life and expression had gone out of his face; it was like a

waxen mask. (Voynich)

They turned back towards the bridge over which the Cardinal's carriage would have to pass. (Voynich)


§ 20. At the end of a sentence expressing a question, real or rhetorical, a question mark is used.

Do you recognize that letter? (Voynich)

Is this a dagger that I see before me? (Shakespeare)

A question mark is used at the end of sentences containing questions even if the order of words is that of an affirmative sentence.

And he wants you to live on cocoa too? (Galsworthy) You deny that it is in your writing? (Voynich)

§ 21. At the end of exclamatory sentences an exclamation mark is used.

It's a lie! (Voynich)

What a beautiful voice that man has! (Voynich)


§ 22. To indicate a sudden stop in the thought a dash or two dashes are used.

Oh! how I wish — But what is the use of wishing? (Fowler)

"Oh, well," he said, "it's such a long time since------------- " He faltered.

He stopped. (Mansfield)

It should be noted that the use of most stops largely depends on the will of the writer.

[1] The prominent position of each part of the sentence will be treated paragraphs dealing with the place of different parts of the sentence.

[2] Cause, consequence and result may also be expressed by subordinate clauses, introduced by subordinating conjunctions.

[3] The conjunction as introduces adverbial clauses of concession in which the predicative stands first.

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