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Probate Law

Probate law is the law which concerns the proper administration of the estates of persons who have died. This includes the payment of taxes and just debts, and the transfer of all property to the appropriate people or entities.

Probate law also addresses many other issues: commitment of the mentally ill and mentally retarded for care and treatment; adoption; appointment of guardians and conservators to care for children and other persons who cannot care for themselves or their property; and the issuance of marriage licenses. In addition, in most counties the probate court has jurisdiction over juvenile matters. Each common pleas court has a “Probate Division” which is commonly called the “Probate Court”. Its main duties are: the supervision of the administration of decedents’ estates and the protection of the interest of certain persons who are particularly vulnerable to loss or harm, for example, next-of kin and other heirs entitled to an inheritance; children; beneficiaries of trusts; persons suffering from mental illness or disability; persons suffering from developmental disabilities; and persons suffering from other physical disabilities.

Protecting Persons in Need of Care. T he probate court appoints guardians for both minors and adults; handles adoptions and applications to hospitalize persons who may have mental problems.

Safeguarding Personal and Property Rights. When a person dies, his property must go to: (1) the persons named by him in his will; or (2) where there is no will, to the heirs named in law.

Supervising Those in Positions of Trust. Executors, administrators, guardians, conservators, trustees, attorneys-in-fact, and other persons who act on behalf of third persons are “fiduciaries”. Fiduciaries are in positions of trust and act under the supervision of the probate court.

b) Find the Ukrainian equivalents for the following words and word combinations:

спадкове право; провадження (справ); психічно хворий; розумово відсталий; усиновлення удочеріння); опікуни (для нагляду за дітьми); опікуни (для нагляду за дорослими); дозвіл на шлюб; неповнолітній; суд у справах успадкування; нагляд; померлі; найближчі родичі; спадкоємці; спадок; спадщина; бенефіціарії трастів (особи, в інтересах яких здійснюється розпорядження майном за дорученням); розумова відсталість; розумові або фізичні вади; виконавці духівниці; піклувальники про спадкове майно; особи, які розпоряджаються майном на підставі довірчої власності; особи, які діють у суді за дорученням; “фідуціарії” (довірені особи).

Exercise4. Study the following words and word combinations used in a WILL. Find their Ukrainian equivalent.

· administrator - person appointed or who petitions to administer an estate in an intestate succession. The antiquated English term of administratrix was used to refer to a female but is generally no longer in standard legal usage.

· beneficiary - anyone receiving a gift or benefitting from a trust.

· bequest - something given in a will; testamentary gift of personal property, traditionally other than money.

· bequeath - to give something to a person in a will.

· chattel - any property except freehold land.

· chattels - moveable property.

· codicil - (1) amendment to a will; (2) a will that modifies or partially revokes an existing or earlier will.

· decedent - the deceased (U.S. term)

· demonstrative legacy - a gift of a specific sum of money with a direction that is to be paid out of a particular fund.

· descent - succession to real property.

· devise - testamentary gift of real property.

· devisee - beneficiary of real property under a will.

· distribution - succession to personal property.

· executor / executrix or personal representative [PR] - person named to administer the estate, generally subject to the supervision of the probate court, in accordance with the testator's wishes in the will. In most cases, the testator will nominate an executor/PR in the will unless that person is unable or unwilling to serve.

· inheritor - a beneficiary in a succession, testate or intestate.

· intestate - person who has not created a will, or who does not have a valid will at the time of death.

· legacy - testamentary gift of personal property, traditionally of money. Note: historically, a legacy has referred to either a gift of real property or personal property.

· legatee - beneficiary of personal property under a will, i.e., a person receiving a legacy.

· probate - legal process of settling the estate of a deceased person.

· personal property - all property except land.

· specific legacy (or specific bequest) - a testamentary gift of a precisely identifiable object.

· testate - person who dies having created a will before death.

· testator - person who executes or signs a will; that is, the person whose will it is. The antiquated English term of testatrix was used to refer to a female and is still in use in the US.


Exercise5. Complete definitions and explanations 1 – 15 below with words and expressions from the box. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian


1. administrator 2. benefactor/beneficiary 3. trust/trustee 4. codicil 5. deceased 6. dependants 7. estate 8. inherit/inheritance 9. executor 10. intestate 11. living wills 12. of age/of sound mind 13.power of attorney 14.probate 15. testament


1. A will is often also known in legal terms as a last will and ___.

2. When someone makes a will, they must be ____ (in other words, they must be mentally healthy), and must be ___ (i. e, over 18 in Britain).

3. When a person is making a will, their first concern is usually for their __ (the people who he / she supports financially, for example, his / her children).

4. A person who has died recently is often referred to as the ______.

5. Someone who dies without making a will is said to have died ____.

6. __ is the legal acceptance that a document, and especially a will, is valid.

7. If a person dies without making a will, a person known as a ___ might be appointed by a court to represent the deceased.

8. A ____is a document which makes a change or an addition to a will.

9. A person who is appointed by a person making his / her will to make sure that the terms of the will are carried out is called a ______.

10. A person who gives property or money to others in a will is called a ____, and the person who is left money or property in a will is called a ___.

11. The money and property that is owned by a person, especially someone who has died, is known as a ___.

12. __ is a verb which means 'to acquire something from a person who has died'. The property which is received is called a ____.

13. Money or property which is looked after for someone by someone else (for example, money which has been left in a will that someone will receive when they reach a particular age) is called a ____. The person who looks after this money is called a ___.

14. People who are seriously ill often appoint someone to deal with their affairs for them. This is called _____.

15. Many people now write special healthcare directives called __, which indicate how they want to be treated if they become seriously ill.

Exercise6. Translate the text into English. Make a list of the Ukrainian – English word combinations related to making a Will

Укладання заповіту

Будь-яка особа від 18 років і старша, яка є при повному розумі та пам’яті, а також свобода прийняття рішень якої не є обмеженою, може укласти юридично чинний заповіт.

Заповіт має бути укладений у письмовій формі, підписаний заповідачем та засвідчений двома правомочними (та незацікавленими) свідками.

Заповідач може позбавити спадщини будь-кого, за винятком власного подружжя. Тобто, він/вона не може укласти заповіт таким чином, щоб повністю позбавити спадщини власну дружину або власного чоловіка. Закон надає тому з подружжя, хто залишився живим певні альтернативи, що не дозволяють його повного позбавлення права успадкування. Така особа може прийняти заповіт і відповідну частку майна, відписану у ньому, або відхилити заповіт і взяти собі ту частку майна, що встановлюється законом. Заповідач не має права заповідати будь-що свідкам заповіту. Такі пункти заповіту вважаються недійсними, хоча вони не скасовують заповіту в цілому, за винятком ситуації, коли свідки є єдиними бенефіціаріями.

Закон має спеціальні застереження, що автоматично змінюють заповіт у певних ситуаціях. Якщо після укладання заповіту у заповідача народжуються діти, загальним правилом є те, що такі діти (діти заповідача, що народилися після укладання заповіту або “не згадані у заповіті діти”) мають право на таку ж частку у майні заповідача, що й інші його діти. Якщо заповідач розведений або йому надано дозвіл розірвання шлюбу, то пункти заповіту, що стосуються його/її колишнього чоловіка або дружини, скасовуються.


Exercise7. Translate the document

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