Ex. П. Translate into Russian, paying attention to the underlined words
1. The pattern of relationships amongst parties only constitutes a system if it is characterised by stability and a degree of orderliness. 2. Policy makers operate within an existing pattern or framework. 3. Evidence of a 'crisis' of party politics can be found in a decline of both party membership and partisanship, reflected in рагп'аа д dealignment. 4. The 'bureaucratic politics' model emphasises the impact on decisions of bargaining between personnel and agencies. 5. Dramatic electoral swings against governing parties have intensified such concerns. 6. This approach is reflected in the distinction between 'major' parties and 'minor' ones (although neither category can be defined with mathematical accuracy). 7. Decisions are often made on the basis of inaccurat e information, and the benefits of various actions may in any са де not be comparable. 8. In the case of 'think tanks', interests groups have been formed specifically to develop policy proposals and to campaign for their acceptance amongst key players in the policy process. 9. In both cases, there is an elaborate and formalised system of group consultations oriented around a widely agreed set of policy objectives and priorities.
10. Plato advanced the idea of rule by the virtuous. In this form, the case for government for the people amounts to an argument in favour of enlightened despotism. 11. Nonwestern societies that may appear to perform poorly in relation to citizenship indicators (with, for example, poor records on human rights) may succeed in creating a stronger sense of community and social belonging. Ex. 12. Translate the sentences into English, distinguishing between defining and non-defining relative clauses 1. Society is divided into the few who have power and the many who do not. 2. The few who govern are not typical of the masses who are governed. 3. Only non-elites who have accepted the basic elite consensus can be admitted to governing circles. 4. In common with other 'founding fathers' who wrote the US Constitution Thomas Jefferson was fiercely critical of parties and factions. 5. The only thing that matters is that the party has won the elections. the parties that are no longer regarded as genuine rivals for power. 7. The process of coalition formation ensures a broad responsiveness that cannot but take account of competing views. S. The post-election negotiations and horse-trading that take place can take weeks. l>. As political 'insiders', parties are tainted by power, ambitions and corruption that is often associated with high office. 10. One of the problems that parties suffer from is their real or perceived oligarchic character. 11. This phenomenon has been reflected in the emergence of new political movements the principal attraction of which is that they are untainted by having held power. 12. Infighting may be seen as a means of guaranteeing argument or debate in a system in which small parties are usually marginalised. 13. Rational actor model is more easily applied to individuals, who may have an ordered set of preferences, than it is to groups, within which there are likely to be a number of conflicting objectives, 14. The same concern was taken up in the 17th century by John Locke, who argued that the right to vote was based on the existence of natural rights...
15. The public- employment program, which was in trouble before he took office, was quickly eliminated. 16. It is contended that some of the Senate rules (and traditions, which often have the effect of rules), favour the interests of minorities over majorities. 17. These regularised patterns of behaviour, which we often call rules or structures, and the like, can affect decision-making and the content of public policy. 18. Congress balked at doing away with the job-training programs, of which the Democrats were especially supportive. 19. Parties are seen as bureaucratized political machines, whose grassroots members are either inactive or engaged in dull and routine tasks.