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Vessel: _______________________ Date_____________ 20__


This standing order applies to all crewmembers of this vessel while they are under Articles of the Contract, and while travelling to and from the vessel.

All crewmembers are to familiarize themselves with the crucial aspects of the vessel, "Seatrade Familiarisation Booklet" and their specific tasks on board before taking over from the person whom they are relieving. They are in addition to make themseves familiar with all aspects of the vessel as soon as possible after joining.

The Company has laid out a comprehensive set of instructions in the Seatrade QA(Quality Assurance) files. These contain your duities and obligations while you are on board. Every crewmember is to familiarize himself with files and be guided accordingly. Crewmembers should be aware of the Company's and the Ship's Organizational Charts as contained in these Orders, and understand the lines of responsibility they represent. The lines of responsibility should be followed for all working or ship's matters. Regardless of these charts however, every crewmember has free access to me at any time for personal or private matters. All crewmembers are to make themselves familiar with the contents of Company's Environmental and triple "S" (Safety-Service-Speed)Quality policy, and do all in their power to apply the principles to their every day work on board. A more comprehensive coverage of these policies is contained in the Safety and Quality Management System Manual.

All officers and crew are considered to be responsible for the general safety of the vessel, and her crew and for the environment in which we sail. All crewmembers are to be aware of safety and perform all tasks in the safe possible way(Health + Safety Manual, Oil Spill Contingency Manual, Safety Manual, Emergency Procedure Manual, Marpol and Solas requirements, Training Manual).

Specific lists of responsibilities and duties for all personnel are contained in Job Descriptions, which also contain a rough guide to working hours. You must be familiar with your specific duties and responsibilities, and have a general understanding of the duties and responsibilities of all other persons on board. Every person is expected to make himself familiar with the tasks and duties of their immediate superiors in order that they may, if required, undertake the duties of that person following promotion, accident or illness. Where possible make your training in this area formal and record the fact in a relevant logbook or log sheet.

The following officers and petty officers have specific responsibilities to me as follows:

The Chief Engineer is responsible to me for the Technical management of the vessel, for the running and maintenance of all machinery, the care of the cargo once on board, for the ordering of bunkers, lubes, stores and spare parts, for the safe transfer of bunker/lubs, for the update of the Ship's Oil Pollution Emergency Plan and relevant training of the crew, for monthly machinery reporting to Seatrade.

The Chief Officer is responsible to me for the preparation and cleanliness of the cargo spaces, control and correct loading/discharging of cargo. He is responsible for the trim and stability, Ballast Water Management Plan procedures, fresh water supply, for the general maintenance and appearance of the vessel, for the safe operation of the cargo gear and hold hatches, for the upkeep of Spill Equipment, for the training of the crew including QSM, for monthly deck reporting to Seatrade, for preparing the Voyage Abstract. He is also the Medical Officer responsible for the order and upkeep of medicines on board and Waste Control Officer, responsible for keeping of Garbage Disposal Log.

The Second Officer is responsible for preparing the sea passage plans, for the upkeep of all charts and navigational publications, for the maintenance of all navigational equipment including gyro and magnetic compass, for upkeep and cleanliness of the bridge.

He is also the Safety Officer responsible for the Life Saving Appliances and Fire Fighting Appliances, for the training of the crew including QSM, for GMDSS equipment and its checks, including batteries, for the operating of GMDSS equipment in emergency, filling in the GMDSS logbook, for arranging the month report of ship's communications(official and private),for Bonded Stores (cleanliness of the Lockers, keeping records and monthly reporting to the Master). He updates ship data in AIS(Automatic Identification System).

The Cook is generally responsible for the cleanliness of the Galley, Pantry, all food storage areas, officer's wardroom and crew's mess-room. He will monitor the food stocks, prepare menus and provisions orders for the master's approval, keep the feeding rate within the budget requirements, ensure the hygienic and nutritious composition and is responsible for the proper preparation and presentation of all food stuff on board, for monthly meal report: consumption and remains on board.



Master _________________=___________________=

Дата добавления: 2015-09-15; просмотров: 1029. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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