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Look through the text and find sentences with the Infinitive and the Infinitive Constructions. Translate them into Ukrainian.

2. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian:

1. This theory will be adequate for practical applications through centuries to come.

2. The first scientist to discover this law was .

3. The effect is too small to be detected.

4. In order to understand the procedure, consider the following analogy.

5. I want him to understand the meaning of the word.

6. I tried to make him understand my point, but failed.

7. The expedition is reported to have landed safely.

8. She seems to know the subject well.

9. They happened to be in the lab.

10. He is sure to come tonight.

11. It is sure he will come tonight.

12. This method is unlikely to yield good results.

13. This law is certain to hold in all cases.

3. Paraphrase the sentences using the complex subject and the complex object:

1. It is said that form is an exact differential.

2. It is expected that two distinct points are symmetric.

3. It proves that permutation is even when the number of inversions in it is even.

4. The ancients thought that the Earth was flat.

5. Some scientists consider that Mars is covered with vegetation.

6. We watched. They were conducting the experiment.

4. Define meanings of the following words by their affixes, state what part of speech they indicate. Translate them into Ukrainian:

invention, evolution, enlarge, possession, rational, imaginary, distinguished, unvarying, solving, graphical.

5. Look through the text and give Ukrainian equivalents for the following words and word-combinations:

equation; suppose; linear; linear equation; root; square root; in order to…; fraction; complex number; real number; pure imaginary numbers; solution; product; degree; prove; designation; define; proof.

6. Fill in the gaps with the given words:

linear equation; complex numbers; quadratic equation; root; roots; proofs; fractions; degree; rational numbers.

1. A simple … … like has no … among all the (positive and negative) … ….

2. We may expect that there may be some equation of … 3 or higher which has no … in the entire system of … ….

3. Gauss gave four … for the theorem.

4. A simple … …, like has no … even among the ….

7. Look through the text and give English equivalents for the following words and word-combinations:

рівняння; простий дріб; виправляти; квадратний корінь; рівняння першого ступеня; збільшувати; припускати; розгляд; мати перевагу; рішення; приписувати; знак плюс; добуток.


8. Combine the words from the left-and right-hand columns to make word-combinations. Translate them into Ukrainian:

number mathematicians
complex system
linear rejections
square pairs
imaginary numbers
cubic equation
distinguished representation
graphical root
ordered theorem
entire system
adventurous spirit
unvarying equation
now-famous problem
fundamental numbers


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