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I. Переведите предложения, обращая особое внимание на форму инфинитива, входящего в «объектный инфинитивный оборот».

A. 1. We think our professor to develop his new theory in the nearest future. 2. The engineer wants us to use new methods in our work. 3. The manufacturers believe them to have shipped the goods already. 4. We know Morse to have been a painter by profession. 5. We know this scientist to be working at this scientific problem. 6. Scientists expect lasers to solve the problem of controlled thermonuclear reaction. 7. The laboratory assistant expects the devices to be repaired in time. 8. We know them to have discharged all the goods some days ago. 9. Engineers suppose a new “night vision” system to enable drivers to see better after dark. 10. They believed him to be capable. 11. Designers expect dirigibles to be used for exploration of new territories. 12. The captain wants the goods to be loaded immediately.

B. 1. The great heat made us utilize other working conditions. 2. The captain made the sailors wash the deck. 3. The unsatisfactory results of Bell’s experiments made him change the method of testing. 4. The customs officer allowed them to take their cases and go away. 5. Bad weather conditions make pilots switch over to automatic control. 6. The excellent properties of Damascus steel made metallurgists of the whole world look for the lost secret of the steel. 7. The company allowed the goods to be sent by rail.

C. 1. Hundreds of radio navigation stations watch the airplanes find their destination and land safely. 2. Twice a year people see birds fly south and north, but we don’t know how they find their way. 3. At the Paris Exhibition people watched the cargo airplane “Ruslan” carry a great amount of cargo. 4. When you stand near a working engine you feel it vibrate. 5. Making experiments with electric telegraph Morse noticed a pencil make a wavy line when connected to an electric wire. 6. Nowadays people watch on television cosmonauts work in space, “Lunokhod” move on the surface of the Moon and Olympic Games take place on the other side of the globe.

II. Переведите предложения, обращая особое внимание на форму инфинитива, входящего в «субъектный инфинитивный оборот».

A. 1. They happened to meet her at the bank. 2. The laser beam seems to have almost unlimited industrial possibilities. 3. She proved to be a good accountant. 4. Our present-day life seems to be quite impossible without telephone, radio and television. 5. About 50 per cent of Lake Baikal water proved to have been polluted since the Baikal plant began its work. 6. These chemical changes appear to have been caused by heat.

B. 1. Jack is said to leave for America in some days. 2. She is known to be a great book-lover. 3. The delegation is reported to have left London. 4. He is known to have a large collection of stamps. 5. The devaluation of the pound sterling is known to have led to a rise in the prices of all goods imported into England. 6. The first pocket-size colour television sets were reported to have been developed. 7. Many million tons of coal reserves are known to exist in that district. 8. The price of this metal in England is stated to have risen by 11.6 per cent in September, 1999.

C. 1. The ship is sure to leave tonight. 2. The vessel is not likely to arrive at the port of destination before the first of October. 3. They are sure to return soon. 4. The contract is certain to have been signed. 5. He is sure to be appointed manager of the factory. 6. The experiment is certain to give good results. 7. The case is likely to have been broken during transportation. 8. His article is sure to be published in this magazine. 9. The negotiations are unlikely to continue until Saturday. 10. The rest of the goods under the contract are likely to be shipped in the first half of September.

III. Объедините следующие предложения, употребив: а) «объектный инфинитивный оборот»; б) «субъектный инфинитивный оборот».

а) MODEL: Jack left the room. I saw it.(I knew it) – I saw Jack (him) leave the room. (I knew Jack (him) to leave the room)

1. The daughter cried. Mother heard it. 2. The captain appeared on the bridge. We saw it. 3. She spoke English well. I know it. 4. He entered the room. We saw it. 5. He ate the cake. She knew it.

б) MODEL: It is sure that the weather will change. – The weather is sure to change. It is likely that the letter will not be sent (was not sent). - The letter is not likely to be sent (to have been sent).

1. It is likely that the ship will arrive tonight. 2. It is not likely that they will return soon. 3. It is certain that the article will be published in the newspaper. 4. It’s sure that the goods will be shipped on Monday. 5. It is likely that the meting was postponed. 6. It is certain that he will recover soon.

IV. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на «предложный инфинитивный оборот».

1. There is no need for the steamer to call at Tuapse. 2. It was necessary for the manager to sign the contract immediately. 3. There is no reason for us to change the terms of payment. 4. There was no time for them to examine the goods that day. 5. It is too late for you to go there. 6. It is very difficult for me to translate this article.

V. Закончите предложения, используя «предложный инфинитивный оборот», выбрав подходящие по смыслу словосочетания и изменив форму личных местоимений, данных в скобках. Получившиеся предложения запишите.

1. There is no need for (she) … 2. It was necessary for (they) … 3. There is no reason for (we) … 4. It is too late for (you) … 5. There was no time for (he) … a) to call on me on Sunday; b) to return immediately; c) to examine the goods that day; d) to change the terms of payment; e) to go there

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 1376. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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