EXERCISES. I. Переведите предложения, где инфинитив является:
I. Переведите предложения, где инфинитив является: a) подлежащим. 1. To come in time is very important for me. 2. To send the goods as soon as possible was very important for the manufacturers. 3. It was necessary to ship the machines by the 20th of May. 4. To live is to struggle. 5. To tell the truth is my custom. b) частью сказуемого. 1. They should sign the contract immediately. 2. Our task is to discharge the goods as soon as possible. 3. The Sellers may sell the goods in September. 4. The contract must be signed at once. 5. Their task is to check the documents carefully. c ) дополнением. 1. They hoped to send the goods by plane. 2. The manager was asked to sign the contract without delay. 3. The lecturer told the students to close the window because it was very cold in the classroom. 4. The captain ordered to wash the deck. 5. The manager asked to send the letter immediately. d) определением. 1. The first question to be discussed at the conference is about the terms of the contract. 2. The contract to be signed is on the table. 3. A special design bureau in St Petersburg was the first in the world to develop production of superlong escalators. 4. One of the ways to make planes as economical as possible is to lighten the aircraft by using new composite materials. 5. The buyers agreed to accept the goods at a price to be fixed by arbitration. 6. It is a chance not to be missed. 7. He was the first to speak again. e ) обстоятельством. 1. He walked quickly in order to come in time. 2. To do well in the exam you should attend all the lectures. 3. I read the rule once more to understand it better. 4. I asked him to come to tell him about it. 5. To sign the contract the Sellers and the Buyers should agree upon the terms of the contract. f ) вводной фразой. 1. To tell you the truth, this contract was not signed. 2. To make a long story short, he sent us the list of prices a month ago. 3. To begin with, the expedition has just arrived to Vladivostok. 4. To sum up, the cases were loaded yesterday. 5. To say exact, the telegram was sent by his son.