List of lectures
S.Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University
Kalkabay G. R.
Educational- methodical complex
On the Mathematics I
The course content
List of lectures
The name of the theme
| hours
| Literature
| Current control, points
| 1. Determinants and their properties. Matrix. Operations with matrices. The inverse matrix. Systems of linear equations
| [1],[4]
| 0,4
| 2. The simplest problem of analytic geometry. Equations of a straight line on a plane.
| [2],[5]
| 0,4
| 3. Analytic geometry in space. Vectors. Simple operations with vectors. The scalar, vector and mixed product of vectors.
| [2],[5]
| 0,4
| 4. The curves of the second order. Canonical equation of second order curves.
| [1],[4]
| 0,4
| 5. Function. Methods of doing functions. The limit function. Fundamental theorems on limits. Infinitely small and infinitely large quantities. The ends.
| [1],[4]
| 0,4
| 6. The derivative of the function. Geometric and mechanical meaning.
Table of derivatives. The differential of a function. Derivatives of complex functions.
| [1],[4]
| 0,4
| 7. Rolle's theorem, Lagrange, Cauchy. L'Hopital's rule.
| [1],[4]
| 0,4
| 8. Investigation of the function. Extremum of the function. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of an extremum. Convexity, concavity and inflection points. Assimptoty. The overall study of design features.
| [1],[4]
| 0,4
| 9. Primitive. Indefinite integral and its properties. Table of integrals. Direct integration, integration with the change of variables, and by parts.
| [1],[4]
| 0,4
| 10. Integration of simple rational fractions. Integration of rational fractions.
| [1],[4]
| 0,4
| 11. Integration of expressions containing trigonometric functions. Integration of irrational functions.
| [1],[4]
| 0,4
| 12. The definite integral. Problems leading to the definite integral. The Newton-Leibniz.
| [1],[4]
| 0,4
| 13. Applications to the computation of the integrals of plane figures areas. Calculation the arc length, the amount of body rotation. The improper integral.
| [1],[4]
| 0,4
| 14. Complex numbers. Complex numbers in trigonometric and exponential form.
| [1],[4]
| 0,4
| Total
| | | | | |
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