There was an Old Person of Sparta,
Who had twenty-one sons and one 'darter'; He fed them on snails, And weighed them in scales, That wonderful Person of Sparta.
There was an Old Man at a casement (в створном окне), Who held up his hands in amazement (держал руки вверх, всплеснул руками в изумлении); When they said, 'Sir, you'll fall (сэр, вы упадете)!' He replied, 'Not at all! (он ответил: "Вовсе нет")' That incipient (начинающийся, зарождающийся) Old Man at a casement.
There was an Old Man at a casement, Who held up his hands in amazement; When they said, 'Sir, you'll fall!' He replied, 'Not at all!' That incipient Old Man at a casement.
There was an Old Person of Burton, Whose answers were rather uncertain (чьи ответы были довольно неопределенными, сомнительными); When they said, 'How d'ye do (Как вы поживаете = здравствуйте; d'ye – разг. от do you)?' He replied (ответил), 'Who are you (кто вы)?' That distressing (огорчительный, досадный) Old Person of Burton.
There was an Old Person of Burton, Whose answers were rather uncertain; When they said, 'How d'ye do?' He replied, 'Who are you?' That distressing Old Person of Burton.
There was an Old Person of Ems, Who casually fell in the Thames (случайно упал в Темзу); And when he was found (когда он был найден) They said he was drowned (сказали, что он был утонувшим = что утонул), That unlucky Old Person of Ems (невезучий).