На английском языке
14. Dong-A’s prime English -Korean Dictionary. Seoul, Dong-A Publishing and Printing Co, Ltd, 1993. 15. Minjung’s Essence Korean-English Dictionary 3rd edition. Seoul, 1996. 16. Minjung’s Essence English-Korean Dictionary. Seoul, 1999. New Life English - Korean Dictionary. Seoul, 1946. New Life Korean - English Dictionary. Seoul, 1947. An Intensive Course in Korean. Yonsei University Press, 1994. An Introductory Course in Korean, Yonsei University Press, 1982. International Herald Tribune Guide to Business Travel in Asia. Robert K. McCabe. Passport Books a division of NTC Publishing Group, 1994. Korean Etiquette and Ethics in Business. NTC Publishing Group, 1992. Korean conversation. The Korean cultural research center Korea University. Seoul, 1999. Park Myung-Seok. Communication Styles in two different cultures. Korean and American. Seoul, 1979. John H. Kho. The Term of Address “You“ in South Korea Today// Korean Journal. Vol. 32, No.1, Spring 1992. Dredge, C. Paul, 1976. Social rules of Speech in Korean: The Views of a Comic Strip Character // Korea Journal. Vol. 16, pp. 4-14. Fred Lukoff. An Introductory Course in Korean. Seoul, 1982. Martin Taylor. Writing and Literacy in Chinese, Korean and Japanese. Amsterdam, 1999. Mongdo’s Korean 1. Anthony V. Vandesande. MLI and Yonsuk Hong, 1991. Mongdo’s Korean 2. Anthony V. Vandesande. MLI and Yonsuk Hong, 1991.