Compare the original text with its translation. Characterize any changes
(Pay attention to modulation). Can you give your own translation? 1. " Yeah - I woke you? " " No, no. I'm in bed, reading. Anything wrong? " " You sure I didn't wake you? Honest to God? " " No, no - absolutely", the grey-haired man said. (J.D. Salinger) " Ano - zobudil som (a? " " Nie, nie. Prá vм v posteli č нtá m. Stalo sa nieč o? " „Naozaj som ќa nezobudil? Mуž eš to odprisahaќ? " „Nie, nie - namojduš u si ma nezobudil", povedal sivovlasý muž. (J. Kot) 2. Something has gone wrong but he didn't know what. (M. Connelly) Niekde sa stala chyba a on nevedel kde. (P. Frank) 3. I confess I had something of the raw-recruit feeling when I went to meet my classes for the first time this week. (D. Lodge) A tak som sa cнtil, ako baž ant, keп som tento tý ž deт priš iel na prvъ predná š ku. (O. Korнnek) 4. To tell the truth, sweetie, I'm in such a great shape I don't know what the hell I'm coming in here any more for. (S. Sheldon) Pravdupovediac, drahý mуj, cнtнm sa tak fantasticky, ž e ani neviem preč o sem doč erta chodнm. (H. Herman) 5. Yeah, we're having the time of our lives here. (J. K. Rowling) Jasnй, a v ž ivote sme si tak neuž нvali ako teraz. (O. Kralovič ová) 6. Raymond left solicitor's office, feeling better, but he found it hard to concentrate on his work the rest of the day and slept only in fits and starts during the night. (J. Archer) Raymond sa po odchode z advoká tskej kance/á rie cнtil lepš ie, no i tak sa zvyš ok dna nevedel sъstrediќ na prá cu a celu noc sa neustá le budil zo spá nku. (J. Galata) 7. We never have been introduced, but I am sure you have heard a great deal from Harry about my son Ron. (J. K. Rowling) Osobnй sa sice nepozná me, no urč нte vá m Harry č asto rozprá val o mojom synovi Ronovi. (O. Kralovič ová) 8. Edward had a degree, a first in history from University College, London. In three short years he studied wars, rebellions, famines... (I. McEwan) Edward zнskal bakalá rsky titul z historie na University College v Londý ne. Tri krá tkй roky š tudoval vojny, povstania, hladomory... (K.Karovič ová) 9. The air hostess ran distractedly up and down the aisle, dissuading people from inflating their life jackets and fending off urgent orders for strong drink. (D. Lodge) Letuš ky roztrž ito bмhali sem a tam ulič kou, presviedč ali нudн, aby si zatiaн nenafukovali vesty, a odmietali dуrazne objedná vky alkoholický ch ná pojov. (H. Herman) 10. " I just have a feeling. She always starts necking some bastard in the kitchen when she gets tanked up. I'm through. I swear to God I mean it this time. Five goddam -" (J.D. Salinger) " Keп sa natankuje, vž dy sa v kuchyni zavмsн na krk dá kemu darebá kovi. Už má m toho po krk. Bohuprisahá m, tentoraz to urobнm. Paќvš ivavý ch-" (J. Kot)