Read the following pairs of sentences
(a) Pay attention to the italicized words/expressions (b) Discus their denotative and connotative meaning (c) Comment on the translation equivalents in italics paying attention to their connotation 1. Mary Jane had left - same year, same class, almost the same month - to marry an aviation cadet stationed in Jacksonville, Florida, a lean air-minded boy from Dill, Mississippi, who had spent two of three months Mary Jane had been married to him in jail for stabbing an M.P. (J.D. Salinger) Mary Jane odiš la zo š koly v tom istom roku, z toho istйho roč nika a takmer v tom istom mesiaci - vydala sa za leteckйho kadeta z jacksonvillskej posá dky na Floridм, za cintlavйho chlapca z Mississipskйho Dillu, ktorйmu pomá talo hlavu letectvo a ktorý dva z troch mesiacov, č o zaтho bola Mary Jane vydatá strá vil vo vaznici za bodnutie vojenskйho policajta. (J. Kot) 2. To tell the truth, I'm scared out of my wits. (E. Segal) Ak má m povedaќpravdu, bojнm sa. (Slobodnнk - Chorvá tová) 3. Then let me correct you - your saintly father and his friends played a highly amusing joke on me that would have resulted in my death if your father hadn't got cold feet at the last moment. (J.K. Rowling) Tak dovol'te, aby som vá s vyviedol z omylu - vá š svá tý otecko a jeho kamará ti rozohrali velmi zá bavný ž art, ktorý by bol skonč il mojou smrќou, keby vá š otec nebol mal v poslednej chvнli plnй gate. (O. Krá lovicovй) 4. Don't you think that's going a bit farther than we have to? " " No, I don't think so. It's best to play it safe. And a captain's not much different. (J. Heller) „Nezdá sa vá m, ž e zachá dzame priпaleko? „Nie, nemyslнm. Istota je guFomet. A kapitá n, to nie je taká š arž a. (D. Janá k) 5. There was obviously a leak in Hollywood Division but Bosch knew it would be impossible to trace the person down. (M. Connelly) V hollywoodskej divнzii si niekto pustil ъsta na š pacнr, no Bosch vedel, ž e nikdy nezistн, kto to bol. (P. Frank) 6. To Miss Chambre, that a niece existed or did not was neither here nor there. She reread what had been written before tearing the single sheet of paper into small, square pieces and dropping them into the fire. (W. Trevor) Sleč ne Chambreovej bolo нahostajnй, č i exitovala nмjaká neter. Eš te raz si list preč нtala, potom ho roztrhala na drobnй kъsky a hodila do kozuba. (J. Kot) 7. I had no intention of busting my ass my last three days at the firm, regardless of what I'd led Rudolph to believe. (J. Grisham) ... nemal som v ъmysle... strá vit' usilovnou prá cou... (A. Redlingerová) 8. I was somewhat slewed by this time and kept calling him Sparrow, but he took it straight on the stiff upper lip. (D. Lodge) Ale už som bola troche lнznutá a stá le som mu hovorila Sparrow, ale bral to statoč ne s plechový m ksichtom. (O. Korнnek) 2a. Translate the sentences paying special attention to the italicized expressions. 1. Mum, no one at the bank gives a damn how I dress as long as I bring home plenty of treasures. (J.K.. Rowling) 2. I don't know anything about television... I'm stuck in a dead-end here. (H. Fielding) 3. As they disappeared ahead I could hear her telling him off. (H. Fielding) 4. Of course, you don't fancy him, Bridge; the thought never crossed my mind for a second... (H. Fielding) 5. I cannot believe my mother is not more grateful to Marc Darcy for sorting out for her. (H. Fielding) 6. The boy is nothing to me, nothing at all. (J.K. Rowling) 7. Behave yourself, goose. And try not to come home with any more pets. (D. Steel) 8. No, sir. It's the switchboard operator. Dr. Kerslake's in the operating theatre. (J. Archer)
2b. Compare your own translation from the preceding exercise (2a) with the following 1. Mami, pokiaн banke zabezpeč нm dosќ zlata, nikoho nezaujнma, č o má m na sebe. (O. Kralovič ová) 2. O prá ci v telke nemá m ani š ajnu... tu som sa ocitla v slepej ulič ke. (M. Klenková - T. Chovanová) 3. Keп sa mi strá cali z dohнadu, eš te som zač ula, ako č isti Markovi ž alъdok. (M. Klenková - T. Chovanová) 4. Pravdaž e nie si doтho zblbnutá, Bridge, to by mi ani na sekundu nenapadlo... (M. Klenková -T. Chovanová) 5. Neuveriteнnй, ž e mama neprejavuje Markovi Darcymu viae vпač nosti, keпju dostal z tej š lamastiky. (M. Klenková - T. Chovanová) 6. Na tom chlapč iskovi mi vуbec nezá lež н, ani najmenej. (M. Klenková - T. Chovanová) 7. Sprá vaj sa sluš nй, dievč atko. Dъfam, ž e domov neprinesieš пalš ie zviera, lebo mama z teba prнde o nervy. (M. Kastlová) 8. Nie pane. Tu spojovatelka. Doktorka Kerslakerová je na operač ke. (J. Galata)