Compare the words in italics. Pay attention to translation shifs. Comment on them and think about different possibilities
1. But this time I'm just down from Atlanta for a spell to visit my aunt. And rather than sit around twiddling my thumbs all day, doctor Brooks suggested I might work here. (K. E. Woodiwiss) Ale teraz som priš la z Atlanty k tete na dlhš iu ná vš tмvu. A doktor Brooks mi navrhol, ž e namiesto toho, aby som sedela so založ ený mi rukami, mohla by som tu pracovat'. (O. Kralovič ová) 2. With a little prodding, he reviewed the crime scene in Ford County - stolen pickups, fights at the honky-tonks, drug activity in Lowtown, the colored section. (J. Grisham) Povzbudený Rayový m zá ujmom sa rozhovoril o kriminalitм v okrese Ford - krá dež e aut, bitky v noč ný ch podnikoch, drogy v Lowtowne, kde vač š inou bý vali č ernoš i. (A.Redlingerová) 3. " How do you know? " " The baby-sitter. We've had some scintillating goddam conversations. We're close as hell. We're like two goddam peas in a pod." (J.D. Salinger) " Odkial to vieš? " " Od ich pestъnky. Vymмnili sme si zopá r iskrivý ch slov. Rá č нme sa ako koza nуž. Ako dva bará nky. " (J. Kot) 4. I start thinking about the first time we drove up to New Haven for the Princeton game. We had a flat right after we got off the Parkway, and it was cold as hell, and she held the flashlight while I fixed the goddam thing - You know what I mean. I don't know. (J.D. Salinger) Prvý raz som o tom zač al premý š нaќ, keп sme pricestovali do New Hovenu na zá pas s Princetonom. Len č o sme sa vymotali z parkoviska, dostali sme defect, a bola pekelná zima, a ký m som sa babral s tý m svinstvom, svietila mi baterkou. Veп rozumieš. Ja som z toho jelen. (J. Kot) 5. She explained to Eloise, who had come out to the driveway to meet her, that everything had been absolutely perfect, that she remembered the way exactly, until she had turned off the Merrick Parkway. Eloise said, " Merritt Parkway, baby, " and reminded Mary Jane that she had found the house twice before... (J.D. Salinger) Vysvмtlovala Eloise, ktorá jej priš la naproti až na diaнnicu, ž e vš etko š lo ako po maš le, až po Merrickovu aleju mohla нsќ poslepiač ky. " Po Merrittovu aleju, malič ká ", povedala Eloise a pripomenula Mary Jane, ž e už dvakrá t trafila do ich domu... (J. Kot) 6. There was no sense in doing otherwise, no sense in catching his death out in the way a young man never would. Drenched through his clothes Henry had time and again returned from these fields to the kitchen, when Bridget had hung his sodden garments on the pulley rails. (W. Trevor) Nemá lo zmysel postupovat' inak a provokovat' smrќ, lebo ani mladý č lovмk by sa v daž di do toho nepustil. Henry, premoč ený do nitky, sa vrá til do kuchynм a Bridget mu zavмsila mokrй č asti obleč enia na tyč nad sporá kom. (J. Kot) 7. You know as well as I do that she is innocent of what she has been accused." " And I think you're being too easy on the little hussy, " Roberta objected. " How can you be so blind, Cole? You saw the way she acted with that lieutenant. Why, she's leading him around by the nose. (K. E. Woodiwiss) " Vieš rovnako dobre ako ja, ž e nemá nijakej viny na tom, z č oho ju obviтujъ. " " A ja si zase myslнm, ž e si na tъ malъ cundru privel'mi mierny. Ako mуž eš byќ taký slepý, Cole? Nevidel si, ako sa pohrá vala s tý m poruč нkom? Vodн ho za nos. " (O. Kralovič ová) 8. „Keep your eyes open.... The more cases you have in the class, the bigger the settlement." " I'll put out the word." „See you, Bro." „Be careful, Forrest." (J. Grisham) „Maj oč i otvorenй."... „Č нm viae prнpadov, tý m vá č š ie odš kodnй." „ Dá m ti vedieќ." „ Maj sa, brač ek." Dá vaj si pozor, Forrest." (A.Redlingerová))