Compare the original text with its Slovak translation. Discuss each individual case of the culture specific expressions in the following texts. Suggest your own translation
1. You'll find the medical camp about three miles west on the lakeshore. (K. Woodiwiss) Zdravotnicky tá bor ná jdete tri mнle na zá pad na brehu jazera. (O. Kralovič ová) 2. He broached the subject to her over a later dinner at her apartment after they had seen the Lakers make mincemeat of the Knicks. (E. Segal) Zač al o tom hovoriќ po neskorej več eri v jej byte, keп si pozreli basketbalový zá pas. (Slobodnнk - Chorvá tová) 3. A ruthless personality, naked opportunism and luck, Edward argued, could divert the fates of millions, a wayward conclusion that earned him a B minus, almost imperiling his first. (I. McEwan) Nemilosrdná osobnost', neskrý vaný oportunizmus a š ќastie, namietal Edward, mуž u zvrtnut' osudy miliуnov. Tento svojvolný zá vмr mu vyniesol dva mнnus a takmer ohrozil jeho vyznamenanie. (K. Karovič ová) 4. Ray had been content teaching securities law at Northeastern in Boston. (J. Grisham) Ray bol spokojný ký m uč il prá vo v Bostone. (A.Redlingerová) 5. He bought a burrito from a Mexican takeout and ate at a sidewalk cafй near the ice rink where the usual gang of black-haired Goths gathered and spooked the normal folks. (J. Grisham) V mexickom bufete si kupil burrito a zjedol ho v kaviarni na chodnнku vedla zmrzlinovйho stá nku, pri ktorom postá vala hrstka kreatъr v č iernom a nahá тala normá lnvm 1'ud'om strach. (A.Redlingerová) 6. He turned the car onto the East River Drive and headed for the Merritt Parkway. An hour and a half later he was on the Connecticut Turnpike. The snow in New York was dirty and slushy, but the same storm had magically transformed the Connecticut landscape into a Currier and Ives picture postcards. (S. Sheldon) Obrá til auto na dialnicu East River Drive a smмroval na autostrá du Merritt Parkway. O hodinu a pol sa ocitol na Connecticutskom mý te. Sneh v New Yorku bol š pinavý a breč kovitý, ale tá istá burka zá zrač nй premenila connecticutskъ krajinu na farebnъ pohladnicu poš tovef spoloč nosti Currier and Ives. (A. Jurá k) 7. Ray found gas at the edge of town, and was soon back in the hills, on the parkway, driving forty-five miles an hour. Sometimes forty. (J. Grisham) Ray objavil na predmestн benzinovъ pumpu a zakrá tko sa opat' viezol po horskej ceste rý chlosќou sedemdesiat kilometrov za hodinu. Obč as aj š esќdesiatpá ќ. (A.Redlingerová) 8. " Oh, come on, Livingston", Lance protested. " These weren't garden- variety Mary Popin types. These were pros." (E. Segal) " Ale, prosнm t'a, Livingston", ozval sa Lance. " To predsa neboli dá my z vyš š ej spoloč nosti, aleprofesioná lky." (Slobodnнk - Chorvá tová) 9. Next order of business: I am a graduate of an Ivy League university - I see no reason to embarrass my alma mater by naming her. (S. Bellow) A d'alej: Som absolvent jednej z najstarš нch a najvá ž enejš нch univerzit - ná zov svojej alma mater neuvá dzam, nač o ju uvá dzaќ do rozpakov. (M. Breznický) 10. " Just where are you from to have gained such a high opinion of us? " the captain interrupted brusquely. " Upriver." " Upriver? " Sarcasm was bold in the captain's tone. (K. Woodiwiss) " Odkial si, keп si o ná s nadobudol takъ vysokъ mienku? " prнkro ho preruš il kapitá n. " Zo severu." " Zo severu?." Vkapitá novom tуne bol zjavný sarkazmus. (O. Kralovič ová)