Examples of exotization (transference) and comment on their usage
1. Don't think about it, he told himself, it'll only seem worse. Think about Hazel instead - the new flat. Go to the barbecue at the club tonight. (W. Boyd) Nemysli na to, napomenul sa, bude sa ti zdaќ eš te horš ie. Mysli radš ej na Hazel - na nový byt. Choп več er do klubu na barbecue. (G. Haná ková) 2. But Mary Jane just wailed something ambiguous, something about her box of Kleenex, and rushed back to her convertible. (J.D. Salinger) Ale Mary Jane iba zamrauč ala č osi neurč itй, č osi o š katul'ke Kleenexu a zase sa rozbмhla k svojmu kabrioletu. (J. Kot) 3. " One thing you can be sure, bruder, " said Valentine. " I have no axe to grind." (S. Bellow) " Jednou vecou si mуž eš byќ istý, bruder, " povedal Valentine. " V tomto prнpade nemá m nijaký zá ujem, pre ktorý by som si prihrieval polievoč ku." (M. Fridrichovský) 4. In any case, practically overnight, Bobby turned himself from a dead stockbroker and incapitated bon vivant into a live, if somewhat unqualified, agent-appraiser for a society of independent American art galleries and fine arts museums. (J.D. Salinger) Takreč eno za jednu noc sa zo skrachovanйho akcioná ra a znemož nмnйho bon vivanta Bobby premenil na podnikavйho, I keп trochu nekvalifikovanйho odhadcщ akejsi spoloč nosti nezá vislý ch americký ch galйriн a vý tvarný ch mъzei. (J. Kot) 5. " Figlio di puttana", Vittoria cursed under her breath, jumping back. (D. Brown) " Figlio di puttana! " zahreš ila Vittoria poš epky a odskoč ila dozadu. (O. Havrila) 6. Persse felt throttled by his embarrassment. He wanted to run and flee through the door, but his limbs refused to move... " I'm after wanting some Durex, please, " he managed to mutter, in strangled accents. " Small meedyum or large? " said the girl coolly. This was a turn of the screw Persse had not anticipated. " I thought they were all the one size, " he whispered hoarsely. (D. Lodge) Persse sa zadъš al od rozpakov. Chcel sa rozbмhnut' a ujsќ, ale ъdy mu vypovedali posluš nost'.... " Chcel by som nмjakй durexv, prosнm, podarilo sa mu zamrmlat' priš krtený m hlasom. " Malй, strednй alebo velikй? " zareagovalo dievč a chladne. Bolo to pritiahnutie š kripca, ktorй Persse neoč aká val. " myslel som, ž e sъ vš etky rovnakй ", zaš epkal chripl'avo. (H. Herman) 7. Behind the hearse was the county coroner, Thurber Foreman, in the same red Dodge pickup he'd been driving since Ray was in college. (J. Grisham) Za pohrebný m autom iš iel okresný koroner Thurber Foreman v tej istej č ervenej dodá vke Dodge, v ktorej sa vozil, keп Ray š tudoval prá vo... (A. Redlingerová)