Повторение различных способов и особенностей перевода страдательного залога
Упражнения I Переведите следующие предложения, подбирая правильные русские эквиваленты к английскому страдательному залогу: 1. It is believed that in many instances the explanations 2. Physicists were compelled to conclude that the discharge 3. None of the data on plastic state have been presented 4. The experimental facts can be explained by this 5. A discussion of X-ray spectra has been omitted, as it 6. The process of separating or concentrating small II Переведите следующие предложения. Выделите глаголы с предлогами: 7. The importance of water to living things is so evident, 8. The invention of the nitrogen-filled lamp has been 9. The behaviour of gas stream during expansion is 10. Many compounds can be decomposed, when they are 11. The properties of metals are often strongly influenced 12. The presence of slight traces of hydrogen peroxide, 13. From their very nature, charged particles are influenced
14. Many methods for detection of uranium have been 15. Neutron capture by a nitrogen nucleus is sometimes 16. The method described above is the most accurate 17. The electrons were pictured as very small charged 18. The recognition that isotopes could exist was first III Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на сочетания глагола с существительным и предлогом: 19. Mention has already been made that gold is slowly 20. When allowance is made for differences of mass and 21. Care must be taken in handling radioactive materials 22. Solutions of sulphurous acid always contain sulphates 23. Care should be taken in the laboratory not to inhale 24. Steps are taken to increase the production of our 25. There is no doubt that in the course of further 26. Chemical methods of purifying water are given much IV Переведите следующие предложения, обращая особое внимание на формы страдательного залога: 27. For practical reasons atomic weights have been 28. The rate at which radioactive elements decompose is 29. Many of these elements are present in such 30. This motion is always present; it is the same for