Упражнения. Переведите следующие предложения, используя русские глаголы с предложным дополнением:
I Переведите следующие предложения, используя русские глаголы с предложным дополнением: 1. Gold is not affected by moisture. 2. The rate of a reaction is influenced by many factors. 3. The Symposium was attended by twenty-seven 4. Many interesting questions can be answered without a 5. Some plants are quickly affected by cold. 6. Character is influenced by heredity and environment. 7. The first discovery was succeeded by many others. 8. The nature of the process will be discussed first and II Переведите следующие предложения, подбирая к английским переходным и непереходным глаголам правильный русский эквивалент с прямым или косвенным дополнением: 9. The variations are greater than can be accounted for 10. The significance of the variation should be, if possible, 11. The integration is carried out along the actual 12. The progress of the reaction can be followed by 13. He spoke so fast that nobody could follow him. 14. The behaviour of contractive vacuoles has not yet 15. The problem of pollution was attacked next. 16. Many fixed stars were successfully attacked only in 17. The effect of plastic deformation has been approached 18. The problem was approached by many researchers. 19. The internal and boundary pressures are differently 20. The conditions are not greatly affected by the steam 21. The working method of science may be dealt with 22. The problem of pollution was not even touched on 23. The process of polymerization is sometimes referred 24. The self-diffusion results are referred to the forces 25. For the list of compounds a student in chemistry is