Cтруктура повествовательного предложения
Структура отрицательного предложения
всп.гл. not смысл. гл.
Структура вопросительного предложения Общий вопрос
Специальный вопрос
1. We live in the centre of Moscow. 2. You go to the factory every day. 3. I read newspapers every morning. 4. His sisters give me books to read. 5. They go there. 6. I read the newspaper at home. 7. We write questions at home. 8. I meet this engineer here. 9. I work at the Ministry of Foreign Trade. 10. These engineers are learning foreign languages. 11. They have their English in the morning. 12. We do a lot of exercises in class. 13. They speak English to their teacher. 14. I speak Russian after classes. II. Ответьте на вопросы. 1. 2. Do you live in Moscow or in Barnaul? 3. Do you live in the centre of Barnaul? 4. Are you a teacher? 5. What do you do? 6. Where do you study? 7. What do you read every morning? 8. Where do you usually read books and newspapers? 9. Where do you go every day? 10. 11. When do you have your English? 12. What do you do during the lessons? 13. What are you doing now? 14. Where do you do your exercises? 15. Do you usually do many exercises in class? 16. Do you do many exercises at home or not? 17. Do you often have dictations? 18. Do you often speak English to your teacher? 19. What language do you usually speak in class? 20. Where do you go after classes? 21. What kind of books do you usually read? 22. Are you reading now? 23. Do you sometimes speak English before and after classes? 24. Are you speaking English or Russian now?
IV. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам. 1. This is a room. (1) 2. The walls in this room are yellow. (1) 3. Ann is in her room now. (1) 4. She is reading a newspaper. (3) 5. We read good books. (2) 6. I sometimes give Peter my exercise-books. (2) 7. My sons read these books every day. (2) 8. I am going to the blackboard. (1) 9. I work at an office. (1) 10. We usually have our English in the evening. (1) 11. They often speak English in class. (1) 12. We write a lot of sentences on the blackboard. (2) 13. After my English Igo to the office. (2) 14. You read English books at home. (2) 15. We read, write and speak English during our lesson. (2)
V. Заполните пропуски предлогами, где это необходимо. 1. They work... the Ministry... Foreign Trade. 2. We live... Moscow. 3. I usually go... the office... the morning. 4. Do you speak English or Russian... your teacher? 5. "Where's your pencil? Is it... the table?" "No, it's... the floor... the table." 6. Take your pen...... your bag and write this sentence. 7. We often write... the blackboard... class. We usually write... our exercise-books... home. 8. "What do you usually do... your English lessons?" "We read, write and speak English... our lessons." 9. Are you going... the office or... your lesson? 10. Don't go... that room. 11. Look... the blackboard, please. 12.... What language do you speak... classes?
VI. Заполните пропуски артиклями, где это необходимо.
My sister is... student. Her friends are... students, too. They live in Moscow. They learn... English. They usually have classes in... morning. Their classroom is large.... walls in... classroom are yellow. Every morning... students go into... classroom and sit down at... tables. They usually do... lot of exercises and have... dictations in class. They also often write on... blackboard. They do... exercises at... home, too.
VII. Переведите на английский язык.