But the length of its ears,
So promoted his fears, That it killed that Old Man of Madras.
There was an Old Person of Leeds, Whose head was infested with beads (чья голова кишела бусинами); She sat on a stool (сидела на табурете), And ate gooseberry fool (и ела крыжовниковое пюре; fool – вид десерта типа киселя или компота со сливками), Which agreed with (гармонировало с; agree – соглашаться) that person of Leeds.
There was an Old Person of Leeds, Whose head was infested with beads; She sat on a stool, And ate gooseberry fool, Which agreed with that person of Leeds.
There was an Old Man of Peru, Who never knew what he should do (который никогда не знал, что ему следует делать); So he tore off his hair (поэтому он рвал свои волосы; tear – рвать), And behaved like a bear (и вел себя, как медведь), That intrinsic (своеобразный: «внутренний, присущий, особенный») Old Man of Peru.
There was an Old Man of Peru, Who never knew what he should do; So he tore off his hair, And behaved like a bear, That intrinsic Old Man of Peru.
There was an Old Person of Hurst, Who drank when he was not athirst (который пил, когда не был томим жаждой; drink – пить; thirst – жажда); When they said, 'You'll grow fatter (вы вырастете толще = потолстеете),' He answered, 'What matter (какое /это имеет/ значение)?' That globular (шаровидный) Person of Hurst.