рос | укр

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АвтомобіліБіологіяБудівництвоВідпочинок і туризмГеографіяДім і садЕкологіяЕкономікаЕлектронікаІноземні мовиІнформатикаІншеІсторіяКультураЛітератураМатематикаМедицинаМеталлургіяМеханікаОсвітаОхорона праціПедагогікаПолітикаПравоПсихологіяРелігіяСоціологіяСпортФізикаФілософіяФінансиХімія

Ауки України

Дата добавления: 2015-08-30; просмотров: 736

1. He (can, will be able to, must) read books in German when he has finished this course.

2. She (can, may, must) be very charming if she wants to be.

3. You (mustn't, needn't, have to) come if you don't want to.

4. He has got (much, many) financial problems.

5. She is very busy today. She has (few, little) free time.

6. The weather in November is not so (cold) as in December but it's (cold) than in October.

7. The (long) is the night, the (short) is the day.

8. My car (repair) in the garage. It (be) ready in three hours.

9. Oh! He (have) a shave! He (look) strange without a beard.

10. I (do) military service for eighteen months. This is my last month.

11. No sooner I (leave) the office (than, then, that) the telephone rang. I hope there was (somebody, anybody, nobody) there to answer the call.

12. You don't work hard. If you (work) harder, you (pass) your examinations successfully.

13. If it (be) not so windy tomorrow, we (not, have) any trouble in putting the tent up.

14. The population of the world (grow) from 35 million in 1950 (to, at, by) 42 million today.

15. My brother (play) hockey for five years already. He (play) for the national team in ten matches.

16. You (like) these pears? - It's the first time I (eat) such delicious pears.

17. We (own) the car for a year before it (steal). The car (not, find) yet.

18. After he (come) out of (the, a — ) hospital, he will need complete rest for (other, another, the other) two or three months.

19. (How, what) is your dog called? - Tim. It's (beautiful) pet I ever (have).

20. When the new road (build), I (be able to, have to, can) drive to work in under half an hour. Now I (can, have to, may) spend much (a lot, more, the most) time.

Test 51

1. He comes (out of, from, off, of) a good family.

2. He went to school (at, at the, by the, in the) age of 7.

3. What do you do? -

a) I'm a typist. c) I typed letters.

b) I'm typing a letter. d) I'll type it.

4. When did you (make, do, take) that photo?

5. Where (be) my trousers? - (It, they) (be ) in the wardrobe.

6. The train is standing (on, on the, in the, at) platform 6.

7. You (take, make) an appointment with the manager of the firm already?

8. Is there any milk in the glass? - Not (much, some, many).

9. This is (bad) car we have ever had.

10. Hello, can I speak to Mr. Lee? -

a) I'm speaking. c) Speaking.

b) He is speaking, d) I am.

11. The porter said he (take ) the luggage upstairs.

12. Shall I go? - What did he ask?- He asked if he (go).

13. The more you learn (little) you forget.

14. When the telephone rang I (write) a letter. I (finish) writing it before you came.

15. He (switch) off the lights before he went out.

16. You (go) to the station when I saw you this morning?

17. I went to England because I wanted to learn (a, the, -) English language properly.

18. When he (come) again? - (not, worry). He (come back) in a month.

19. A new school (build) near your house already? - Oh, no. It still (build).

20. It (rain) hard when I (wake) up yesterday.

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