![]() Головна сторінка Випадкова сторінка КАТЕГОРІЇ: АвтомобіліБіологіяБудівництвоВідпочинок і туризмГеографіяДім і садЕкологіяЕкономікаЕлектронікаІноземні мовиІнформатикаІншеІсторіяКультураЛітератураМатематикаМедицинаМеталлургіяМеханікаОсвітаОхорона праціПедагогікаПолітикаПравоПсихологіяРелігіяСоціологіяСпортФізикаФілософіяФінансиХімія |
ЧАСТИНА III. ГЕОЛОГОРОЗВІДУВАЛЬНИЙ ПРОЦЕСДата добавления: 2015-08-30; просмотров: 885
Assignment 1. Translate these sentences into Russian: 1. How old is this manager? 2. This is Camp of Roberts and Company speaking. 3. I would like to speak to Mr Bunin. 4. Is he in? 5. I have very much / a lot of work to do today. 6. Our company does a lot of business every year. Assignment 2. Translate these sentences into Russian: 1. Don’t tell your secretary about it. 2. My friend’s son does well at school. 3. He studies a lot. 4. I live near my office. 5. What countries do you do business with? 6. I’d like to discuss the terms of payment with you. Assignment 3. Translate these sentences into Russian: 1. My friend works at the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations. 2. My parents have a small house in the country. 3. We live in a new district of Rostov. 4. There was a bookcase in the left-hand corner of the room. 5. The engineers of our ministry often go to different countries of the world. 6. What are your terms of delivery? Assignment 4. Translate these sentences into Russian: 1. What do you do? 2. We go to the country every Sunday. 3. My friend’s parents live in a village. 4. Can (предпочтительней) / Do you see a standard lamp and a little table in the corner? 5. What does Donexport sell? 6. We’d like to make a contract with your firm for power equipment. Assignment 5. Translate these sentences into Russian: 1. How are you? 2. My father in-law is retired. 3. Do you know many engineers at the ministry? 4. Is there much sunshine in your office? 5. This is new mining equipment. 6. What are your terms of payment? Assignment 6. Translate these sentences into Russian: 1. Speak to him about your project, please. 2. At last we areat home. 3. Do you live in a modern block of flats? 4. I don’t have much furniture in the office. 5. The goods are already in Rostov. 6. Please, go through our catalogues and price-lists. Assignment 7. Translate these sentences into Russian: 1. We sometimes translate enquiries from English into Russian. 2. My children are still in the country. 3. There is a parking lot behind the block of flats. 4. My elder daughter likes playing (регулярно) / to play (время от времени) computer games. 5. I often speak to foreign businessmen on the phone. 6. We’d like to make a contract with your firm for furniture. Assignment 8. Translate these sentences into Russian: 1. Don’t answer the question. 2. My brother is still single. 3. Our living room is large and comfortable. 4. We meet him at the parking lot (сначала следует обстоятельство места, затем обстоятельство времени) every day. 5. What foreign language does your secretary know? 6. Many foreign firms buy mining equipment from our country. Assignment 9. Translate these sentences into Russian: 1. The first lesson is short. 2. My husband studies at an institute. 3. There are two windows in my office. 4. He often speaks at our meetings. 5. We do business with different foreign firms. 6. We’d like to know your terms of delivery. Assignment 10. Translate these sentences into Russian: 1. When was your daughter born? 2. I’m sorry, I don’t speak English. 3. I (can) see a safe to the right of the window. 4. We discuss many questions at our meeting. 5. We work seven hours a day / every day. 6. Who usually brings you the mail? Assignment 11. Translate these sentences into Russian: 1. Our new manager is not married / is single. 2. – Who takes your son to a nursery school? – My mother in-law does. 3. There are two chairs to the left of the desk. 4. We have your enquiry for the coffee. 5. We’d like to know the price of (for) this equipment. 6. Get ready for the meeting, please. Assignment 12. Translate these sentences into Russian: 1. My elder son is twelve (years old). 2. Mr Kotov is out / = isn’t in. 3. He likes looking through different catalogues and price-lists. 4. I’d like to discuss your enquiry for boilers. 5. When do your working hours begin? 6. Our factory makes power equipment.