рос | укр

Головна сторінка Випадкова сторінка


АвтомобіліБіологіяБудівництвоВідпочинок і туризмГеографіяДім і садЕкологіяЕкономікаЕлектронікаІноземні мовиІнформатикаІншеІсторіяКультураЛітератураМатематикаМедицинаМеталлургіяМеханікаОсвітаОхорона праціПедагогікаПолітикаПравоПсихологіяРелігіяСоціологіяСпортФізикаФілософіяФінансиХімія

Вибір нафтогазоперспективних об’єктів до першочергового пошукового буріння за допомогою експертних систем

Дата добавления: 2015-08-30; просмотров: 803

1. a house in the country– дом за городом

2. a lesson on Saturday – урок в субботу

3. a retired teacher – учитель на пенсии

4. a two-room flat – двухкомнатная квартира

5. an elder daughter – старшая дочь

6. friends at school – друзья в школе

7. old people – пожилые люди

8. phone somebody on their day off – позвонить кому-то в выходной

9. to ask questions – задавать вопросы

10. to go to the country – ездить за город

11. to learn English – учить английский язык

Assignment 3. Ask questions to the italicised words:

1. Where / At what ministry does Ben Gibson have a contact (деловой партнер)?

2. Who is (работает в ) with an export company.

3. How many copying machines (копировальные аппараты) has the manager’s secretary got in her office?

4. Is Mr Andrews away on business or on holiday?

5. Roberts is a manger of an export company, isn’t he?

6. Do they have English classes for the ministry employees (служащие, работники)?

Lesson 2 –Test 1

Assignment 1. Translate these sentences into English:

1. There are a lot of modern buildings in places where only a few years ago there were small villages.

2. My grandparents live in a village.

3. There is much sunshine in their small house.

4. I live with my parents.

5. I haven’t much furniture in my room.

6. There is a little table near the sofa.

7. There are two book-cases in the left-hand corner of the room.

8. Do you live in a block of flats?

9. Does your younger sister really study a lot? – Certainly, she does well in all the subjects at school.

10. My elder brother lives near the office.

11. He has a lot of time to read magazines.

12. There were very many telexes on my table this morning. Where are they now?

13. There is not much paper in the copying machine.

14. Is there any coffee in the coffee machine?

Assignment 2. Match the segments to get free collocations or set expressions and translate them into Russian. Use the proper articles with the nominal collocations:

1. a book on the shelf – книга на полке

2. a comfortable easy-chair – удобное кресло

3. a lot of time – много времени

4. a man and a woman – мужчина и женщина

5. a new district – новый район

6. a tea-pot and three cups – чайник и три чашки

7. an enquiry for book-cases and bookshelves – запрос на книжные шкафы и полки

8. an exercise in this lesson – упражнение из этого урока

9. an office on the tenth floor – офис на десятом этаже (AE, BE – на одиннадцатом этаже)

10. few boys – мало мальчиков

11. in the right-hand corner of the living-room – в правом углу гостиной

12. the lessons in the textbook – уроки в этом учебнике

13. much tea – много чая

14. to play the piano – играть на рояле

15. to speak at the meeting – выступать на собрании

16. to take somebody there – отвести кого-либо туда

17. to the left of the door – слева от двери

Assignment 3. Ask questions to the italicised words:

1. How many friends has he in London?

2. What is there in the the right-hand corner of his room?

3. How many cars were there in the company parking lot?

4. There was no telex this morning, was there?

5. Was there any cheese in the fridge?

6. Were there soup spoons or tea spoons on the table?

Lesson 2 – Test 2

Assignment 1. Translate these sentences into English:


1. My friend Granin works in an export firm.

2. The firm is in a ten-storeyed building in a new district of Moscow.

3. Granin lives in another district far from his office.

4. My friend has got a new car. He usually leaves it in the parking lot near his firm.

5. I know many employees (работники, сотрудники) in the firm.

6. Granin has got an office of his own on the third floor.

7. There is much sunshine in the room, and that is fine.

8. He spends a lot of time in his office.

9. And he has very much work today.

10. There are many papers on the table.

11. They have a lot of enquiries for the coffee and chocolate.

12. He’d like to discuss the enquiries with another manager in his firm.


1. – Is that Blake & Co? This is Jim Dyson of Dyson & Co. Can I speak to MrBlake?

2. – Yes. Speaking.

3. – MrBlake, I’d like to meet you tomorrow morning and/to discuss your enquiry for the coffee.

4. – Come to my office at ten o’clock in the morning.

5. – I’m sorry I am busy at ten. Let’s meet at eleven.

6. – That’s fine with me.

Assignment 2. Match the segments to get free collocations or set expressions and translate them into Russian. Use the proper articles with the nominal collocations:

1. a flat on the first floor – квартира на первом этаже (AE, BE – на втором этаже)

2. a fork and a knife – вилка с ножом

3. a kitchen in the / this flat – кухня в этой квартире

4. a private parking lot – частная автостоянка

5. a woman in the kitchen – женщина на кухне

6. an enquiry for furniture – запрос на мебель

7. an old block of flats – старый многоквартирный жилой дом

8. ham and cheese – ветчина с сыром

9. in the left-hand corner of the room – в левом углу комнаты

10. modern buildings – современные здания

11. much sunshine – много солнца

12. newspapers and magazines – газеты и журналы

13. seven hundred workers – семьсот рабочих

14. (the) telexes on the desk – телексные сообщения на письменном столе

15. to discuss a lot of questions – обсуждать много вопросов

16. to read a lot – много читать

17. to the right of the window направо от окна

Assignment 3. Ask questions to the italicised words:

1. How many enquiries were there on his desk?

2. What isn’t there in the copying machine?

3. Who was there in her boss’s office?

4. Are there (a few) journals or magazines on the shelf?

5. Was there (any) counterfeit money in his briefcase?

6. There were no counterfeit notes in his desk, were there?

Lesson 3 – Test 1

Assignment 1. Translate these sentences into English:


1. Look at this building – this is our ministry.

2. Behind the ministry there is a parking lot.

3. Our employees park their cars there.

4. Our office is on the eighth floor.

5. It is a large room with two windows in it.

6. There is always a lot of sunshine in our room.

7. There are four desks in our office with a telephone and a computer on every desk.


1. We do business with different foreign firms.

2. We communicate with foreign firms by fax.

3. All the employees of our office speak English.

4. I often speak on the phone to our foreign business partners.

5. I must telephone Mr.Green today.

6. I sometimes receive business partners from foreign firms.

7. We regularly go through economic journals.

Assignment 2. Match the segments to get free collocations or set expressions and translate them into Russian. Use the proper articles with the nominal collocations:

1. different countries of the world – разные страны мира

2. foreign businessmen from France – коммерсанты из Франции, французские коммерсанты

3. the terms of payment and delivery – условия платежа и поставки

4. the price for these goods – цена на / за этот товар

5. to bring the mail to the director – приносить почту директору

6. to communicate with the suppliers (поставщики) – связываться с поставщиками

7. to do business with foreign firms – заключать сделки / торговать с зарубежными фирмами

8. to get ready for the presentation – подготовиться к презентации

9. to make a contract with a German firm – заключить контракт с немецкой фирмой

10. to live with one’s parents – жить со своими родителями

11. to receive foreign businessmen at the office – принимать зарубежных коммерсантов в офисе

12. to sell power equipment – продавать энергетическое оборудование

13. to send answers to foreign firms – посылать ответы зарубежным фирмам

14. to telephone the secretary at 12 – позвонить секретарю в 12 часов

Assignment 3. Ask questions to the italicised words:

1. What kind of equipment does the factory make?

2. What would they like to know?

3. How does he communicate with different companies?

4. Can they have talks with foreign businessmen in different languages?

5. You can send the answer by fax, can’t you?

6. Does their office buy or sell goods?

Lesson 3 – Test 2

Assignment 1. Translate these sentences into English:

1. I work for a large export firm.

2. I live near the office and walk to work.

3. My working hours begin at nine (o’clock), but I come to the office at half past eight to get ready for work.

4. We buy goods from British, French and other foreign firms.

5. We do a lot of business and I have a busy schedule.

6. I must send enquiries and go through catalogues and price-lists.

7. We usually receive a lot of mail on Monday.

8. There are many letters and cables from foreign firms in it.

9. I’m sorry, but I can’t phone you at half past ten.

10. I must receive German businessmen at that time.

11. Give me a call / Can you phone me at a quarter to three?

12. Let’s have dinner together at the Metropol.

Assignment 2. Match the segments to get free collocations or set expressions and translate them into Russian. Use the proper articles with the nominal collocations:

1. eight hours a day – восемь часов в день

2. Germany and other countries – Германия и другие страны

3. the price for the new equipment – цена на / за новое оборудование

4. three foreign languages – три иностранных языка

5. to buy electronic equipment – покупать электронное оборудование

6. to come to the office – прийти в контору

7. to communicate with the partners by fax – связываться по факсу с партнерами

8. to discuss terms of payment and delivery – обсуждать условия платежа и поставки

9. to do business with different countries – вести торговлю с разными странами

10. to get ready for work – подготовиться к работе

11. to go through magazines and newspapers – просматривать газеты и журналы

12. to park behind the Ministry – ставить машину за зданием министерства

13. to make a contract with the suppliers (поставщики) – заключить контракт с с поставщиками

14. to telephone the suppliers (поставщики) immediately – немедленно позвонить поставщикам

Assignment 3. Ask questions to the italicised words:

1. With what firms does his office do much business?

2. At what time does their manager usually receive visitors?

3. Who usually brings the mail to his office?

4. Are the goods already in Novorossiysk?

5. The secretary cannot give us his telephone number, can she?

6. Do they sell mining or power equipment?

Lesson 3 – Test 3

Assignment 1. Translate these sentences into English:


1. Mr Loginov is director of a large factory that makes furniture.

2. This month he is very busy.

3. A British firm from Glasgow would like to make a contract with them for office furniture.

4. The Russian company must send the British customer their catalogues and price-lists.

5. Then the British company must send their representative to Russia to discuss the terms of payment and delivery with the supplier.

6. Both firms want to make this contract and do business together in the future.


1. Avtoexport does a lot of business every year.

2. What countries do you do business with?

3. What does Avtoexport sell?

4. We sell cars and trucks.

5. The Avtoexport employees often go on business to different countries of the world.

Assignment 2. Match the segments to get free collocations or set expressions and translate them into Russian. Use the proper articles with the nominal collocations:

1. catalogues and price-lists – каталоги и прейскуранты

2. long working hours – долгий рабочий день

3. seven hours a day – семь часов в день

4. that catalogue and another one – тот каталог и другой

5. the price for this electronic equipment – цена на / за это электронное оборудование

6. to buy and sell a lot goods – покупать и продавать различные товары

7. to communicate by fax – связываться по факсу

8. to discuss prices – обсуждать цены / проблему цен

9. to do business with new suppliers (поставщики) – заключать сделки с новыми поставщиками

10. to do exercises at home – выполнять упражнения дома

11. to get ready for the meeting – подготовиться к собранию

12. to go through letters and cables – просматривать письма и телеграммы

13. to make a contract for boilers – заключить контракт на поставку бойлеров

14. to sell mining equipment – продавать горно-шахтное оборудование

Assignment 3. Ask questions to the italicised words:

1. Where does Sergeyev park his car?

2. What can they discuss with Mr Smith?

3. How many enquiries were there on her desk?

4. They work seven hours a day, don’t they?

5. Has Mila their catalogues and price-lists? / (AE) Does Mila have their catalogues and price-lists?

6. Was he there half an hour or two hours ago?

Lesson 4 – Test 1

Assignment 1. Translate these sentences into English:


1. It’s so darkhere in the morning.

2. No wonder. It gets light at nine in December. Did John come to see you last night?

3. He did. He came at a quarter to seven and we went for a walk in the park. It was wonderful outside last night / yesterday evening and we had a good walk.

4. Was it cold in the park? There is much snow outside.

5. No, it was quite warm. And we came back before 9 o’clock. Then we listened to good music on the radio till midnight.

6. You went to bed so late. When did you get up this morning? Some people get up very early. I don’t.

7. I usually go to bed at 11 and get up at 7.


1. Your friend speaks English so well.

2. Yes, Sergei speaks English wonderfully.

3. When did he start learning English?

4. At school. He did well at school, and two years ago he took private lessons. Now he can receive foreign businessmen without an interpreter.

5. Wow!

Assignment 2. Match the segments to get free collocations or set expressions and translate them into Russian. Use the proper articles with the nominal collocations:

1. a ticket for the theatre – билет в театр

2. bad news – плохая новость / плохие новости

3. during the interval – во время антракта

4. frosty air – морозный воздух

5. in half an hour – через полчаса

6. in time for work – как раз к началу работы

7. music on the radio – музыка, исполняемая на радио

8. on the way home – по дороге домой

9. the day before yesterday – позавчера

10. to get light – светать

11. to go for a walk – идти на прогулку

12. to go outside – выйти из помещения (на улицу)

13. to have a walk – прогуляться

14. to have supper – ужинать

Assignment 3. Ask questions to the italicised words:

1. What street does Helen live in?

2. Where did Peter go?

3. When did Katherine get his letter?

4. Is this news good?

5. There is a lot of air in this room, isn’t there?

6. Have they (got) any detective stories or historic novels?

Lesson 4 – Test 2

Assignment 1. Translate these sentences into English:

1. Does your company sell any equipment to European countries?

2. Yes, last month our director made a contract with a Bulgarian firm. We sold them power equipment for €50,000.

3. On my way to the office I usually listen to the business news programme on the radio.

4. Yesterday we received a lot of mail from various Belorussian firms. / There was a lot of mail from various Belorussian firms yesterday. One of the letters is an enquiry for our power equipment.

5. Who gave you our telephone number yesterday? – Your secretary (did).

6. Do you buy any equipment from foreign firms?

7. The other day we made a contract for mining equipment.

8. Did your office make any contracts with British firms last year?

9. Was there any mail from Great Britain yesterday?

10. He spoke at the meeting about the terms of delivery.

11. Were there any price-lists on her desk? – Yes, there were some .

12. The other day we sent five enquiries for office furniture.

13. The factory director was at our office yesterday. He wanted to see / go through some price-lists.

14. Peter is a wonderful computer programmer. He works at our Ministry. He works a lot. He is still single. I think he is married to his work.

15. I listened to him but I did not hear him: the assembly line was working.

16. They decided not to go there / to the warehouse to-day.

17. I didn’t see him yesterday so I couldn’t (=was not able to) him about their enquiry.

18. It was some years ago.

19. We came into / entered her office on the third floor.

20. She asked us not to smoke in the room.

Assignment 2. Match the segments to get free collocations or set expressions and translate them into Russian. Use the proper articles with the nominal collocations:

1. a ticket for a performance – билет на какой-то спектакль

2. good news – хорошая новость / хорошие новости

3. in a quarter of an hour – через четверть часа = 15 минут

4. in time for dinner – как раз к обеду

5. late supper – поздний ужин

6. on the way back – на обратном пути

7. people outside – люди, которые находятся снаружи

8. the other day – на днях (по отношению к прошлому)

9. to get dark – темнеть

10. to go to bed – ложиться спать

11. to go to the theatre – посещать театр

12. to listen to music – слушать музыку

13. to take a taxi – взять такси

14. to walk to work – идти / ходить пешком на работу

Assignment 3. Ask questions to the italicised words:

1. Who did he discuss the terms of delivery with last week?

2. When did they make this contract?

3. Who can speak Russian fluently (свободно).

4. You have got their price-list somewhere, haven’t you?

5. Was there a call from Germany?

6. Were they discussing the terms of payment or the terms of delivery?

Lesson 5 – Test 1

Assignment 1. Translate these sentences into English:

1. – When did you have a holiday last year?

– I had my holiday in summer, in July to be exact.

2. – Where did you spend your holiday?

– At the seaside in Turkey.

3. – Where were you staying there?

– At a three-star hotel.

4. – Were there many holiday-makers from Russia.

– Quite a lot.

5. – What was the weather like there in July?

– It was wonderful.

6. – Did you have a good time?

– We had a wonderful time. We sunbathed early in the morning and swam a lot during the day. And while my wife was sitting under the sunshade on the beach when it was hot I was scuba diving.

7. – Where are you going to spend your holiday next year?

– I would like to spend a fortnight in Greece. There are a lot of beautiful places on the Mediterranean Sea.

Assignment 2. Match the segments to get free collocations or set expressions and translate them into Russian. Use the proper articles with the nominal collocations:

1. a beautiful place – красивое место

2. among friends – среди друзей

3. an interesting book – интересная книга

4. born in winter – рожденный зимой

5. hot tea – горячий чай

6. people on the beach – люди на пляже

7. to be at the cinema – быть в кино

8. to go skiing – ходить на лыжах

9. to have a holiday – отдыхать, иметь отпуск

10. to like sunbathing – охотно принимать солнечные ванны

Assignment 3. Ask questions to the italicised words:

1. There are going to be a lot of people on the beach at that time, aren’t there?

2. Was he going to spend a fortnight at the Baltic seaside or in the Caucasus?

3. Did they have a good time at a resort in Spain?

4. What would you like?

5. What kind of holidays do many people take in summer?

6. Who is she going to phone tonight?

7. Where did he spend a month?

8. Why was he very sunburnt?

Lesson 5 – Test 2

Assignment 1. Translate these sentences into English:

1. The company director is receiving the English businessmen (the representatives of the English firm) now. They’re discussing the terms of payment and delivery.

2. – What businessmen / Whose representatives was he receiving at 12 o’clock yesterday? – The French businessmen / The representatives of the French firm.

– What were they discussing?

– They were discussing the enquiry for electronic equipment.

3. – What does your secretary usually do in the morning?

– He goes through the morning mail and answers telephone calls.

4. Last night my colleague was reading an article from a British journal, while I was going through the latest enquiries.

5. Which firm are you going to buy new equipment from?

6. – When are you going to send an answer to Brown & Co?

– On Friday.

Assignment 2. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense form:

1. We were discussing the prices when you telephoned us.

2. He works in his office every Saturday.

3. Ms Clarke was answering an enquiry at 10 o’clock in the morning.

4. He was going through the catalogues when his boss came into the office.

5. Yesterday Mr Johnson came to the office at a quarter to 9. The secretary brought him the mail and he went through it.

Assignment 3. Match the segments to get free collocations or set expressions and translate them into Russian. Use the proper articles with the nominal collocations:

1. a beautiful place – красивое место

2. among friends – среди друзей

3. an interesting book – интересная книга

4. born in winter – рожденный зимой

5. hot tea – горячий чай

6. people on the beach – люди на пляже

7. to be at the cinema – быть в кино

8. to go skiing – ходить на лыжах

9. to have a holiday – отдыхать, иметь отпуск

10. to like sunbathing – охотно принимать солнечные ванны

Assignment 4. Ask questions to the italicised words:

1. When was the director phoning a British firm?

2. Who reads every cable in the office?

3. Did the manager listen to the eight o’clock or nine o’clock news on the radio?

4. Hoiw many letters from foreign firms did they receive?

5. Your trainee (стажер) does not speak German, does he / she?

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