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Неструктурні об’єкти

Дата добавления: 2015-08-30; просмотров: 722

Use the proper form:

1. I (write) the composition for 3 hours already but I haven't completed it yet.

2. What she (do)? - She is a secretary at our college.

3. We've got the tickets, and tomorrow evening we (go) abroad for a holiday.

4. She (not, see) him since he left Minsk. Nobody (know) (something, anything, nothing) about him.

5. We were walking along the forest road when we (see) a village.

6. I'm not sure I will recognize him tomorrow. - He (wear) a dark blue pullover.

7. He (study) English since morning. He (take) his exam tomorrow.

8. When we left the beach, the rain already (start).

9. The delegation (leave) for London as soon as they receive their visas.

10. You ever (be) to the circus? - Yes, I (be) there a month ago.

11. Many experiments (carry) out in our laboratory last year.

12. Children and (a/an, the, -) old (take) care of in this country.

13. The students (examine) in an hour, but they all (gather) already in the classroom.

14. She told me she (be) going to take part in the conference.

15. The police officer asked me if I (see) the accident.

16. The secretary said that the manager (come) to the office in half an hour.

can (not) could (not) must (not) may (not) be able to

17. Our house is situated in a beautiful place. We ... see the lake from our bedroom window.

18. She spoke in a low voice but we ... understand everything.

19. You ... do something to help me. -Sorry, but I ... .

20. I'm afraid I ... go to the party next Sunday.

21. You ... keep it secret. You ... tell anybody about it.

22. ... I ask you a question. Certainly, you ... .

23. What is ... longest river in ... world? (a, the)

24. ... hotel we stayed at was ... very nice building, (a, the, -)

25. ... Sun is ... star. ... Venus is the brightest planet in ... sky. (a, the, -)

26.1 often watch ... television but I seldom listen to ... radio, (a, the, -)

27. Our train leaves from ... Platform 6. Will you come to ... station ? (a, the, -)

28. ... Lake Baikal is one of ... deepest fresh-water lakes in the world, (a/an, the, -)

29. This programme was watched (of, by) millions of people.

30. How did you get here? Did you come (in, on, by) train?

31. There are some differences (in, between) British and American English.

32. Where is Tom? - He has left (to, for, in) London. He will arrive (to, at, in) England in the morning.

33. Every summer they go (in, to, at) France (on, at, in) holiday.

34. I'm sorry ... shouting ... you yesterday, (for, about, at, on)

35. They didn't reply to (our, ours) letters. We waited for (their, there, theirs) answer.

36.1 wasn't feeling hungry, so I didn't eat (something, anything).

37. He has got no financial problems. He earns and spends (many, much) money.

38. This evening I'm going out with (some, any) friends of (my, mine).

39. Which bus do I have to catch? - (Some, any) bus. They all go to the center.

40.1 know (anything, nothing) about it and she doesn't know anything about it (too, either).

41. This is (difficult) problem which I've ever solved.

42. I'm sure you could do it (good) than me.

43. In my opinion The Nutcracker is (good) ballet I've ever seen.

44. Do you remember (happy) day in your life?

45. The (much) you read, the (little) you forget.

Choose and use:

46. Excuse my being late.

a) You were delayed by the traffic.

b) Glad to hear it. c) Better late than never.

47. What do you do?

a) I'm doing well, thank you.

b) Nothing to boast of. c) I'm a student.

48. How's life?

a) Not at all. b) Nothing to look at.

c) Nothing to boast of. Thank you.

49. Thank you for your help.

a) Never mind. b) It's a pleasure for me. c) Glad to hear it.

50. An American lady (who, which) was travelling in England got onto a compartment in a smoking carriage where (an, the) Englishman was smoking a pipe. For a (short, shortly) time she was sitting (quite, quietly) expecting (that, what) the Englishman would stop smoking. Then she began to cough trying in this (way, road) to show him that she objected to the smoke. At last she addressed him (patiently, impatiently): "If you were a gentlemen you would have stopped smoking when a lady got into the carriage." "If you were a lady", (told, replied) the Englishman, "you wouldn't have got into a smoking carriage".

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