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Дата добавления: 2015-08-30; просмотров: 729

1. No sooner Pamela (disappear up) the stairs than a horrible-looking man (come) into the room.

2. As soon as the children (hear) (these, this) news, a neigl-bour's dog (start) barking, and after a few minutes they (hear) their back door open.

3. I (be) absorbed in the story when suddenly I began to feel that someone (watch) me.

4. At (a, the, -) Cambridge University May boat races, music and drama concerts, picnics, and the May Balls, everything as far as possible (hold) in the open air-parties.

5. There are many schools in Britain which (not, control) financially by the state.

6. My office is three miles from my house. Three miles (is, are) a long way to walk to work.

7. The granddaughter asked her grandma how the prince (wake up) Sleeping Beauty.

8. I asked my brother if he really (decide) to sail from Spain to Australia all alone.

9. I advise you to have your car (service). You (should, must, can) have you car serviced as soon as possible.

10. I'm certain Bill didn't reveal your secret. He (can't, mustn't, may not) have revealed it.

11. Mr. Johnson (regard) (as, like, so) a very successful lawyer.

12. Thank you for the information. - No problem. If you want (any, some) (far) information, just ask.

13.1 (hard, hardly) (finish) cooking when the guests arrived.

14. 0. Henry, (whose, which) real name was William Sydney Porter, was (an, the, -) American short-story writer.

15. ... President is considered to be ... most respected person in ... country, (a, the, -)

16. ... English is the major language throughout ...United Kingdom, although some people speak ... Welsh as their sole language, and only some hundreds speak ... Gaelic, (a, the, -)

17. The police (believe) that there is no connection (between, among) the two crimes.

18. The store has two lifts, and both (be) out of order, (neither, none, either) (be) working.

19. I'm going to the bank to get (some, much, little)money. I have to be back at the office in (few, a few, a little) minutes.

20. One shouldn't always believe what (one, you) (read) in the newspapers.

21. We (receive) no correspondence from David since he (move) away.

22. Some people value their independence (high, highly) and so they enjoy (live, living) alone.

23. It is (hard, hardly) to tell (-, a, the) difference between the twins, as they are identical.

24. The price of petrol (go) up again; the cost of running a car (increase).

25. The awards which (know) as Oscars, (consider) to be (high) honour anyone in the film industry can (give).

26. You (read) the newspaper this morning? - No. It (not, deliver) by the time I left for work.

27. You (know) your exam results yet? - No. They (not, announce) yet.

28. If you leave your car unlocked, someone (steal) it.

29. People (must, can, should) treat all living creatures with kindness and respect.

30. Why did you throw away those newspapers? - I'm sorry. If I (know) you were still reading them, I (not, throw) them away.

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