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Мікробіологічні критерії

Дата добавления: 2015-08-30; просмотров: 824

1. This time next month we (travel) around Africa, and we (return) home by the end of August.

2. Tina (buy) gifts for all her relatives before she (leave) (for, at, to) England. Yesterday she (come) to us to say goodbye.

3. More and more people (develop) health problems because of (-, a, the) air pollution.

4. When the train from Brussels (arrive)? - It (arrive) in 10 minutes at (-, a, the) Platform 7.

5. In 1301 after (defeat/defeating) the native Prince of Wales, King Edward I of England (name) his son "Prince of Wales". Since then (old) son of the king or queen of England traditionally (give) this title.

6. In 1536 Wales (bring) (into, in, to) the English system of national and local government by an Act of Union.

7. ... Welsh language is still very much a living force and (teach) side by side with ... English in schools of Wales, (a, the, -)

8. You asked John to fix you car, ...? - Yes, his advice (was, were) that I take it to the garage.

9. ...Young people (should, have to, can) respect ... elderly. ... life is often difficult for ... old people, (a, the, -)

10. After many attempts Terry (be able to, could, might) climb (to, at, by) the top of the mountain.

11. He (drive) a car (well, good) now, but two years ago he (could, might, must) ride only the bicycle.

12. Mrs Smith feels (bad, badly) today. She's by far (beautiful) woman I ever (see).

13. Was it a good party? - Yes, I (leave) far (late) I (intend) to.

14. ... name ... Soho is derived from ... hunting call, "So-ho", that ... huntsmen were heard to cry as they chased ... deer in ... royal parks, (a, the, -)

15. — Piccadilly Circus is like ... magnet for ... young people from all over ... world, (a, the, -)

16 - young people like to sit on ... steps under ... statue of Eros, celebrating ... freedom and friendship of ...youth, (a, the, -)

17. Many people think the increase (in, at, of) violent crime is because (of, at, -) television. 18.1 don't mind what we do today. We (can, may, are to) do (something, anything) you want.

19. Let's go (somewhere, anywhere) tonight, ...? - Thanks, but I don't want to go (somewhere, anywhere, someone) tonight.

20. It's (your, yours) birthday party, you can invite (anyone, someone, somebody) you like.

21. You (visit) (-, a, the) Disneyland when you were in Paris? -No, unfortunately it was too far from where we (stay).

22. Linda (give up) her work, so she (can, must, may) look after her children herself.

23. Someone (give away) the secret plans of the company and the boss is very angry.

24. Now this shop (give out) free gifts to anyone who (spend) more than £30.

25. The subjection of (a, the, -) Welsh (complete) by Edward I who (make) his son, afterwards Edward II, the first Prince of Wales.

26. Westminster Abbey is the church where nearly all the kings and queens (crown) and where many of them (bury).

27. Sir Christopher Wren, the great architect of St. Paul's Cathedral (die) in 1723, aged 91, and (bury) in (a, the, -) building which his genius and toil (create).

28.1 won't open the door unless I (know) who it is.

29. I (have) a sleepless night. - You (shouldn't, couldn't, might) have stayed up so late last night.

30. If the earth suddenly (stop) spinning, we all (fly) off it.

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